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My new CO2 system - what a bargain.

Animal Mother

29 Sep 2009
At the weekend I won an ebay bargain and it was delivered today. :thumbup:

It's a JBL Proflora u403. http://www.hobbyfish.net/index.php?prod ... 4162018038

It cost me all of £62 as it was listed as a faulty return but as new, however, I can find nothing wrong with it. :shh: 😀 :thumbup:

I've set this up on my Fluval Osaka 320.

I just want to know if there's any recommendations when using this system. Any hints or tips people have etc.

One failing it has is a lack of a timer. :thumbdown: Nor does it come with a pH probe, making the automatic dosing computer basically useless. :thumbdown:

It's still a bargain as I get a brilliant little regulator, a CO2 bottle, bubble counter, non-return valve and diffuser.
Hi Animal Mother.

Looks like you got yourself a right bargain there :thumbup: .
With regards to the pH controller, leave it in the box. I would recommend that you do not even bother connecting it up.
The problem with pH controllers is that they control what it says on the tin, pH. When the pH reaches your setpoint it will turn the gas off, then when the pH drifts from your setpoint it turns the gas back on again.
One thing I've learnt round here, and through trial and error, is that you need stable levels of CO2 during you lighting period instead of on and off like the controller would do.
It's a surefire way to induce all sorts of CO2 related algae.
Save yourself the cost of a pH probe and buy yourself some nice plants (although with the cost of them probes it would be lots of plants :lol:)
You fail to mention a solenoid in your OP but there must be one for the controller to turn it on and off. If you have to spend any money, this might be where it would be wise to spend it, along with a timer.
I don't know many round here that use a Ph controller, as CO2 stability is one of the most important factors in the planted tank.
I'm running a JBL system for over a year now, so if all your other bits work you've had a result 😀