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My new aquarium thread.


11 Nov 2013
Does anyone own a Fluvial Roma 240? Im thinking about purchasing a one. It seems great value. It comes with 2xT8 lights and also an external filter.

300 litre per minute 306 filter & free stand.

This tank will be walstad again 🙂
Does anyone own a Fluvial Roma 240? Im thinking about purchasing a one. It seems great value. It comes with 2xT8 lights and also an external filter.

300 litre per minute 306 filter & free stand.

This tank will be walstad again 🙂

I've had a Fluval Roma, not that size but similar. Build quality was very good, only "negative" is that it isn't the type of tank regularly seen in conventional aquascaping, with the black rims possibly distracting.

But if you're not bothered by that, it's a solid tank 🙂
T8 tubes - do they even come in a HO option (check Osram website) - on a 50cm tall tank means it will be a challenge to grow the plants shown in the very nice stock photo for the Roma 240 ... this is where I just don't follow manufacturer mindset - use a photo that reflects tank design, there are lots of very nice fish only scapes 😕
Hi Dan - I'm running a fluval roma 240 low tech... I think my tank is about 8 years old though - so is designed differently (it now comes with drilled holes for filter pipes). So the more modern design may have limitations with regard to flow options...I already had this tank & didn't want to start into the planted side using pressurised co2, so was happy to work around my tank specs! The low lights limit your plant choices however the size means you can use larger plants that you couldn't otherwise use in a smaller tank 🙂
only "negative" is that it isn't the type of tank regularly seen in conventional aquascaping, with the black rims possibly distracting.

But if you're not bothered by that, it's a solid tank 🙂

I quite like planted tanks with the border - kind of like a work of art having a frame to tie everything together and separate the room from the tank.

It's personal preference though I suppose 🙂
I have one with pre drilled pipes that come through the bottom. I've been very happy with it for the 6 years (& it's survived 2 house moves). I had to put another pump in the far corner as you can't get any other outlets other than the 2-way fish tails which limits the flow a bit. Mostly running low tech plants with t8s and just upgraded to their eco bright led lights which seem to have kept everything going ok.

I don't have any recent pictures but this is mine from 2013 (excuse terrible picture quality also) - all run with standard fittings except co2 and extra pump.

Set up after 2 move: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...801020231.1073741826.857900230&type=3&theater

7 months later - a bit of a jungle! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...801020231.1073741826.857900230&type=3&theater

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