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My new 92G Bowfront Corner tank for my discus


8 Nov 2014
I got a new tank today.. Bought it on craigslist for $250, didn't have a lid which kinda sucks.. All I have are 65W Power compact lights.. I have 4 of em... but they are only 21 inch long.. and this tank is massive.. 48 inches long but 35 inches deep on both ends and the middle.. lol.. So I need to figure out how to make a top for it so I can light it properly... It replaced my discus 44g Pentagon.. I got a little carried away with discus, and I have 8 of them.. lol so they needed a bigger tank and plus I got tired of small tanks.. My biggest is only 55g then my 44g pentagon and then my 30g..

So this deff a big change.. The bowfront corner looks like im at a national aquarium or something.. I deff like these better then the 125g long tanks.

What do you guys think ?? I know it looks bare, I need more plants, I need 3 more bags of Substrate.. I put in my 44g's substrate but obviously it wasn't enough.. The driftwood is a piece I found like 6 months ago in the local reservoir.. I had it in the 44g pentagon but it was much too overpowering so I took it out a long time ago.. But its PERFECT for this tank.. sadly it became boyant again lol so I need to sink it with 6 pieces of slate lol


