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My log!

Thanks very much to everyone who has responded 🙂

I can know see how I can make a nice scape from this beginning, the bottom of my tank really does not fit the log anymore.

I have a new tank waiting to replace this one - however I have many other hobbies that are taking up my time at the moment :?
To answer a few questions (pms) ...

I am not absolutely sure but, I think most wood will be OK.
Anyhow this log is pine, I found it a couple of years back, I stored it my shed & intended to use it as a decoration at Christmas time!
There are a few points to remember though, wet wood will swell up & increase in size so be careful if it is a tight fit in your tank.
I coated this log with three coats of epoxy, the wood needs to be very dry for the epoxy to cure properly.
I also soaked the wood after it was coated in a water butt for 3 weeks before it went in my tank.
I weighed the wood before soaking & after just to see if it had absorbed any water & increased in weight - it had not.
I tried a few methods to hold the log in position, in the end I found that by coating the ends with 5mm of silicone, the log holds in place nicely.
I can see lots of different configurations for scaping with a log & it would be great to see someone else have a go?
I can see a plain sand bottom with HC cascading down & growing into the sand? (I am probably better at making things than designing plantscapes)
If i can help anyone who could take this idea further then I would be happy to do so, I could possibly make another log for someone but, I fear the postage to the UK would be high!
those ideas sound really interesting foxfish, i dunno if you seen the winning tank from the hannover aquascaping comp, it had HC growing on wood, it looked amazing.
Loving this scape, it has inspire me to change mine a little 🙂

Can you tell me, is this plant the one you have in your foreground?

Yes the plants on the right are Pogostemon helferi.
They take a few weeks to get going & adjust to underwater life but, once established multiply like crazy.
The plant itself has a very brittle feel & can easily break when handled, I thin the patch out every two weeks by removing the actual plants.
There is a line of Anubias nana just behind & to the right of the pogo that is growing very well under the shade of the log.
On the left is a forest of Cryptocoryne wendtii, this plant grows very strongly & needs trimming every week.
The log is planted with the same Cryp & Pogo plus of course the ever growing glosso!
foxfish said:
Yes the plants on the right are Pogostemon helferi.
They take a few weeks to get going & adjust to underwater life but, once established multiply like crazy.
The plant itself has a very brittle feel & can easily break when handled, I thin the patch out ever two weeks by removing the actual plants.
There is a line of Anubias nana just behind 7 to the right of the pogo that is growing very well under the shade of the log.
On the left is a forest of Cryptocoryne wendtii, this plant grows very strongly & needs trimming every week.
The log is planted with the same Cryp & Pogo plus of course the every growing glosso!

Ok cool, looks very nice! I have some glosso in my tank, i have just trimmed it all down but now it looks ridiculous and i hope it grows back ok!

If you are cutting every week may i have some of the cuttings? 🙂

I got a bit fed up with the glosso, to much maintenance for me so I took it out!
The picture taken from the top shows how different the plants grow & look growing in the log, compared to the same plants growing on the bottom.