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My Jewel 25 gallon

Small update -
Thanks ianho , ill prob remove it in the nxt week or so , thanks for pointing it out :thumbup:

Plants have had a little bit of stick the last wk. seems ive been under dosing the new ferts , i should be dosing 25ml instead of 10ml . Sorted now .

Purchased a new UP ceramic atomizer , its in the post

Ive been slowly propergating a few stem plants to try and form nice bunches, gotta grow them out again now to get them some height .

most the riccia and any thing else i feel the need is being removed from the substrate .Being replace by 50 Sagittaria subulata to try and make a nice carpet to go with the java moss.
morgan said:
sr20det said:
Why is the FE not suited aquarium use?

Hi,im not sure. When i went to bryland i just asked for a 2kg fe . As he was walking off to get it i mentioned it was for an aquarium. He stopped and said ,"its a good job you said or i would of given u a red one. Then he said some thing about the insides of a fe there was a tube and the liquid CO2 being able to kill my fish. I just nodded and took the welding bottle .

The FEs have a tube that goes to the bottom of the cylinder (the best example I can give is a windex bottle etc) and has the potential to allow liqud co2 into the reg and if it gets though it will rapidly boil gassing far to much co2 into the water. The welding bottle wont have this tube allowing the co2 to convert to gas before entering the reg(as long as the bottle is upright).
OllieNZ said:
morgan said:
sr20det said:
Why is the FE not suited aquarium use?

Hi,im not sure. When i went to bryland i just asked for a 2kg fe . As he was walking off to get it i mentioned it was for an aquarium. He stopped and said ,"its a good job you said or i would of given u a red one. Then he said some thing about the insides of a fe there was a tube and the liquid CO2 being able to kill my fish. I just nodded and took the welding bottle .

The FEs have a tube that goes to the bottom of the cylinder (the best example I can give is a windex bottle etc) and has the potential to allow liqud co2 into the reg and if it gets though it will rapidly boil gassing far to much co2 into the water. The welding bottle wont have this tube allowing the co2 to convert to gas before entering the reg(as long as the bottle is upright).
Damn, interesting didn't know that, what are the risks of that happening?
The FEs have a tube that goes to the bottom of the cylinder (the best example I can give is a windex bottle etc) and has the potential to allow liqud co2 into the reg and if it gets though it will rapidly boil gassing far to much co2 into the water. The welding bottle wont have this tube allowing the co2 to convert to gas before entering the reg(as long as the bottle is upright).[/quote]

Damn, interesting didn't know that, what are the risks of that happening?[/quote]

Highly unlikely i would have thought co2 can only remain in liquid state at pressures over 5 bar, so by the time it gets to the low pressure side of your regulator there's no possibility it could still be in its liquid state. I'm no expert and stand to be corrected.