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My Green Plants Suffer From Yellowing


18 Jul 2018

Any one can help me my plants seems suffering and noticed each new leaf blooms are not green as wellI really did my best to provide all requirements

Tank Size : 100 x 40 x 40 CM
Lighting : LED 6500 K 6 hr daily ( Intense brand )
Fertilizer : Seachem Flourish tabs and liquid
Aqua soil (yiding brand )
Co2 source : injection 2bubbles Per second
Temp 26 C
Tank Age : 26 days ago

I just did water test today and below parameters I had
PH : 7
Ammonia : 0
Nitrites : 0
Nitrates: 20
GH: 3
KH: 0
I really appreciate your advices and tell me what I must to do to save the plants

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Too much light for your CO2 levels is killing the plants and leading to algae. You haven't stated your filter through put.

Are you dosing any macros ? Potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus (and magnesium) ?

Yellowing of leaves is generally caused by either no iron or no magnesium, both cause yellowing of leaves. If you add iron, new leaves will not be yellow but old leaves will not recover. If you add magnesium, being mobile in the plant, leaves should hopefully recover.

You really need to add more fertiliser other than just Flourish, especially if you are using CO2.
Thank you so much @ian_m regarding the light I’ve bought this lights to keep heavy planted tank I will bring new plants within 2 days so any recommended dosage for CO2 are the 2 bubbles per second enough or I must increase them or adding liquid carbon soruce for the water like seachem ?o

I have outside filtration unit as shown in below photo
Actually I just used flourish tabs for root and flourish liquid for leaves anyway I will put some pictures for the products I had with their components and please guide me to how I should use them properly to get best result and let me know if i need to bring any chemicals else

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Couple of more issues I can see...

Where does the Evolution Aqua come in this, not mentioned in your first post ?

CO2 in bubbles per second is completely meaningless. Everybody's bubble size is different, everybody's else method of dissolving is different so no help in amount of CO2 in the water.

What does your drop checker say ?

Try doing a pH profile when your CO2 comes on, using a pH pen. You need to aim for a pH drop of 1 unit by the time the lights come on, this generally indicating an optimum injected CO2 level of 30ppm (green/yellow drop checker).

An air-stone I can see in the pics is bad as that will immediately gas off all the CO2 you have injected. No need to air stone, except after CO2 off time to degas the CO2 quickly, maybe.

How is water returning to the tank ?

The filter is again a tad small. You really need x10 tank volume in flow rate, so your case a 1600l/hr filter would be the minimum. The outlet from the filter needs to cover the whole width of the back of the tank to ensure water flows over and around all the plants. The video below shows 1400l/hr into 180litres, not really enough, so using the internal 600l/hr filter as well as 3200l/hr power head. You outlet needs to be at least this type of flow.

How are you ensuring the injected CO2 get all around the tank?

Algae feeds on the organics released by dying plants due to plants getting insufficient CO2 due to poor CO2 levels and distribution.

I assume you know if the tank has cycled ? 8 weeks (or more) is typical, more if using a fertiliser loaded substrate. The released/produced ammonia levels are very toxic to fish, but not plants, until the tank cycled. If it is really 26 days and you have fish, not good really, especially if your are a fish. At this stage one would expect ammonia to be very high, though as pointed out, possibly not measurable by any hobby test kit. Either frequent water changes (daily ?) or dose something like Prime daily to remove ammonia. Patience is required in fish & plant keeping.
Thanks again @ian_m your notes well noted and I will act accordingly so let us take them as steps

I just bought evolution aqua but still not used yet is it good brand actually I have no idea the seller recommended this one

Regarding co2 drop test I just did twice from both right and left sides now and the result is light green as shown below so do you expcet I need to increase the bubbles to get dark green test and I’d like to infrom you the plants are breathing and I can see oxygen bubbles up after 1 hr and half after running co2 injection

Regarding the filter I think there is mistake in installtion from my side and I will fix the side of output pipe to cover all the width of the tank as shown in above video

If I have to upgrade my filter to 1600 L/H what is the recomanded type and brand
Also do you think I have to change the filter or add circulation pump to the tank along with current filter which one the best choice regadless the cost please ?

About co2 diffuser where do you expect the best place for it inside the tank by the way I don't have air stone as well
Did additional test along with co2 now and result :
PH 7
KH 1
Gh 3
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If I have to upgrade my filter to 1600 L/H what is the recomanded type and brand
May not be necessary. Add a power head, say located on left wall at the back pointing forward, above your CO2 diffuser to shift the water. Just buy a Hydor Koralia rather than a "cheaper but lasts only a year Chinese copy".


If you want to use Evolution Aqua (really just expensive water) then say 20ml per day will cover nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Dosing Flourish will help is iron deficiency is an issue as well.

Remember if high tech (high light, CO2 and high fertiliser) the 50% weekly water change is essential to remove excess left over fertiliser and more importantly plant waste organics. Waste organics building up will quickly lead to poor fish health and algae.

You need to aim for a drop checker like below at lights on.

I can see oxygen bubbles up after 1 hr and half after running co2 injection
I assume you switch your lights on then, 1 1/2 hours after CO2 comes on ?

Did additional test along with co2 now and result :
PH 7
KH 1
Gh 3
Again please read the link about test kits. These values whilst interestingly inaccurately erroneous won't help. What were you expecting to do with these readings ?
May not be necessary. Add a power head, say located on left wall at the back pointing forward, above your CO2 diffuser to shift the water. Just buy a Hydor Koralia rather than a "cheaper but lasts only a year Chinese copy".


Well noted I will buy it on Saturday any specific size or it is standard size please ?

About evolution aqua do you expect we will get good result if used along with flourish liquid both in recommended dosage ?

I switched on my lights along with co2 in the same time but the plants breathing just after 1hr and half later what is your opinion should I inject co2 before switched on the light please ?

So sorry for much questions but I’m still beginner in plants and hope to get good result after this expenses

Thanks in advance
Well noted I will buy it on Saturday any specific size or it is standard size please ?
I have a Koralia 3200 which comes on with CO2. Much much quieter than the cheap Chinese copy.

About evolution aqua do you expect we will get good result if used along with flourish liquid both in recommended dosage ?
I expect so, the ferts is just standard fertiliser mix mixed with expensive water 🙄. You are paying mostly for water and dosing convenience, the actual fertiliser content costs pennies. Some people like this just like they feel bottled water is much superior to tap water !!! In the end potassium is same potassium whether it comes from Evolution Aqua or cheaper potassium nitrate or hand picked potassium by Swedish virgins or even rotting fish poo, plants can't tell the difference.

You can make your own fertiliser very easily.
This will make about 17 500gr bottles (before Mg runs out, get more from Ebay/Boots) working out at about £1.20 per 500ml, about one tenth the cost of the other solution.

If dosing two bottles on alternate days is too much effort, you can make an all one solution as below. A tad more expensive.
Note all the ingredients are required, none are optional, as many people try and find the solution goes mouldy.

I switched on my lights along with co2 in the same time but the plants breathing just after 1hr and half later what is your opinion should I inject co2 before switched on the light please ?
Woooow, whoops. CO2 must come on before lights of else plants will have no carbon source as soon as you bombard them with light, causing severe plant issues. You need you CO2 levels steady at 30ppm when the lights come one. Normally on two hours before lights is typical recommended starting point to allow CO2 to build up.
Good received I will act accordingly and keep you posted with each step
Thank you so much
Hi @ian_m hope find you well , do you expect I must add the fertilizer before switch on the lights as well ?
Timing does not need to be particularly accurate. I dosed my macros & micros for years at 7:30'ish every morning with lights on at 3-4pm. I now dose ferts at 3pm via PLC controlled doser with lights on at 5pm.

I suspect dosing a suitable time before lights on allows it to get around the tank before it is required.
Thank you so much
I’am starting follow up your instruction and will update you step by step tomorrow will bring the hydor koralia and send photos
In order of occurrence that we meet peoples poor plants health on this forum.

  1. Plants dying due to poor, incorrect, inefficient and/or crap CO2 injection, distribution and flow. Generally manifested as "mechanical damage" to plants, dying, wilting, rotting, failure to thrive and algae taking over. The x10 flow rule is the usual one not being followed. Also interpreting "x" bubbles per second must mean that CO2 levels are bound to be sufficient without backup of using a drop checker and/or pH pen. Oh, using a test kit to measure pH rather than a pH pen.
  2. Way way way too much light and on for way way too long for the CO2 & fertiliser levels being used. Plants generally die, melt away and algae appears.
  3. Inventing and rolling their own fertiliser regime based on the test kits results of their tap water or tank water. Not wanting to dose nitrates/phosphates/sulphates as they read somewhere that "nitrates and/or phosphates" causes algae.:banghead:
  4. Sometimes not dosing Magnesium as their tap water is hard, thus must contain magnesium. Majority of UK hard tap water does not contain magnesium (there are exception areas). A lot of hard water in the US does contain magnesium, so US bods often don't dose magnesium.
  5. Mixing macro solution and micro solution as can't be bothered to dose alternate days or just dumping the whole lot in once a week and then meeting iron deficiencies. The iron in micro reacts with phosphate in macro to produce insoluble and plant unavailable iron phosphate.
Got it with many thanks
Please see below photo for circulation pump as advised please let me know if the installation good to go it's above the diffuser

My circulation pump is on when CO2 comes on, to ensure good distribution of CO2 water. Mine goes off at 8pm two hours before CO2 off just to quieten tank down, as my tank is in my lounge and this is when I am most likely to be in the lounge.
Good received I’m really appreciated that to share your good experience with us hope to see my tank become healthy and will post photos sure

So how many hours lightes must be on daily I’m depending 6 hr daily is this good for all plants ?

Thank you so much @ian_m
I would start with 4-5 hours then slowly increase time say over next couple of weeks. 6 hours is a good time to keep plants from taking over the tank too quickly.

I have 2 T5 tubes 4pm to 11pm and 4 T5 tubes 5pm to 10:30. But I spent years (?) getting CO2 spot on.