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My first plated tank


New Member
21 Jan 2021
So I’ve been planning this for a while and spent a few weekends in and off getting it set up. It’s nearly ready now so thought I’d share it for any comments before I start the scape.

So I’m a Reefer and can’t get away from wanting a sump. I know a lot of you have canisters and I see the benefits but I made this tank/stand from scratch and I had a spare sump from a previous tank sat in the garage so I went for it.

So I have drilled my ND aquatics tank and gone for the Herbie downpipes which is basically a main drain controlled by a gate valve, an overflow for emergencies and a return. I have this set up on my reef tank and it is 100% silent when you set it up properly and adjust the gate valve to the optimum position.

In the sump is the main drain and the overflow going into the initial chamber. From there the water flows over the first wire and onto the three sponges. The water then goes under the second weir and up through some Seachem Matrix then through to another chamber which I will have some seachem purigen in a bag. There will be a heater placed in the bottom of the sump. Finally the return pump in the last chamber flows through the Aquamedic C02 Reactor then through the bulkhead and back to the main tank where it is the distributed through a vertical spray bar into the tank.

Right sorry for the long text here is some pics



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Hi JonJoe, following with interest, as my sumped tank is still a reef.
My only concern is the strainer on the main drain. It'll clog quickly with leaves and possibly cause a flood.
I'd personally remove it and just retrieve any leaf litter, or livestock from the sump.
Looking forward to seeing this take shape.
Looking good. What size is the tank, and what are you thinking of having in it?

Hi it’s a 60x60x60 cm cube. I don’t know much about plants. I’ve spent the past 3 months researching equipment and soils, substrates and how to aquascape. I need help with plants

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Hi JonJoe, following with interest, as my sumped tank is still a reef.
My only concern is the strainer on the main drain. It'll clog quickly with leaves and possibly cause a flood.
I'd personally remove it and just retrieve any leaf litter, or livestock from the sump.
Looking forward to seeing this take shape.

Hi Simon

I have not glued the strainer in so I can simply remove it. There is a second drain if the main drain gets clogged.

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So today I completed my first aquascape.

It has taken me about 6 hours and I am happy with the results.

I still need some thinner trees at the back to give more depth.

I need help with plants as I have not researched plants yet.

I have 2x 24w T5s and will be running C02 with a reactor

I have a water container the other side of the wall with remineralised RO water for water changes so hopefully this will make water changes much easier and make me do them more.

Any advice on plants, I would like a green carpet at the front

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Love it, just love it.
I'm going to have to steal your design when I do mine.
Having the large branches at the front, really adds depth to the scape.
Love it, just love it.
I'm going to have to steal your design when I do mine.
Having the large branches at the front, really adds depth to the scape.

Thanks. I watched lots of videos on YouTube to try and add depth.

Creating the trees is what took the longest. You can’t find any good tree like branches at your local fish shop so I had to chop them up and piece them together

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Jon, only of my Reef set up.
Like you I have little knowledge about plants, I am learning more being on UKaps due to my little 6yr old granddaughter who is interested, so I have set up a little 40ltr aquarium for her.
Hi Jon, I’m doing the same as you. Just shut down my reef tank after selling off all the stock and going for a planted tank. Just find them better to look at than a reef for some reason! My tank will be a sumped 4x2x2ft tank.

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Hi Jon, I’m doing the same as you. Just shut down my reef tank after selling off all the stock and going for a planted tank. Just find them better to look at than a reef for some reason! My tank will be a sumped 4x2x2ft tank.

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I totally agree. When I first set up my reef I would never have thought that but now I think they look better. Plus more realistic than a reef tank.

I still have my reef set up but if I like this more then I might consider closing it down and then use my Apex to control the planted tank

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