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My first journal!


New Member
26 Jan 2025
Southampton, Hampshire
Hi peeps.
I joined in January and has been suggested I do a journal about my tanks and plant growing. So here is the first.
Back story: I have had fish on and off since I was in my 20s. But here, I'll talk about the 4 I have now;
A 160litre with rescued goldfish from our pond, who can't go back for various reasons.
A 90litre that has two baby goldfish hatched last may, and hopefully going in the pond in the summer,
A 125litre with 8 gourami, 4 diamond tetra, and 4 widow tetra.
A 125litre. with plecos, Cory's, and some black neons.
I started buying plants instead of plastic about four year ago. At first everything was wonderful had nice bits of wood, and rocks and pebbles and loads of plants but then most of those died off, and I have since then been ploughing ££ on new plants only for them to disappear or be eaten by the fish.
All I am left with now, are.a.couple.of apethytes (spelling?) and half eaten tall vallis, and a leafy thing which I can't remember the name of.
Anyhoo I shall be saving up.and buying another.lot.next month. But really need to find out which ones will be good for each tank, and not being eaten!
Tobe continued.
Only two fish of are problematic with plants, plecs (depending,) and your Goldfish,if they are going to the Pond that gives your more options to grow plants. All your others corys,tetras and gourami are not a issue, try Tropica website look up plants in the easy category range