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My First Aquascape


23 Nov 2011
Horfield, Bristol
My First Aquascape

This is the journal for my first aquascape.......

Please bare with me and forgive me for my camera and photos, the tank was set up in march and ive only recently joined UKAPS so this is a look back at the last 9 months, up to the present day

I spent a good two months online and in shops researching the plants i wanted, planting techniques, hardscape techniques as well as what kind of style i wanted to go for. I knew almost straight away that my first attempt would not reallly follow a style but would probably be closest to the Dutch Style but with space for carpet plants. A nice dense mixture of plants with a good mix of colours, shapes and sizes. I knew i wanted a tank with almost full coverage of the floor of the aquarium and i instantly fell in love with Hemianthus 'Cuba' Callitrichoides. Once i found the tank i was after i traveled around all the fish shops and garden centres in a 25 mile radius, looking for the best piece's of wood, the best rock, substrate etc. to complement the plants.

Here are the vital statistics

Tank Fluval Roma 240l

Filtration Fluval 305 and Hydor Koralia 425GPH circulating fan

Lighting 3x Arcadia Plant pro T5 tubes 34" 39W 2xT5's for 10hrs with 3xT5's on for a mid-point blast 3 hrs

CO2 TMC kit

Water 100% RO 25% water change every week with Dennerle GH/GH+

Substrate Mixture of half and half Tropica Plant Substrate and Tetra Plant Complete Substrate with 1.2-1.5mm quartz gravel

Fertilizer Tropica Plant Nutrition, Easy Life Easycarbo and JBL Ferropol when required

Hardscape Cornish Bog wood and Red Rock

Background I have used a plain black background with silicon adhesive... and a little duck tape

But MOST importantly...

The Plants

I designed the layout of the plants by hand well before i was ready to go. All my plants came in one big order from tropica to Aquajardin who held them in storage for me until i could pick them up. Having picked up 10 x 25l water containers full of RO water the day before and on a day off i could go and collect my order.

Rotala Rotundifolia x 3
Ludwiga Repens 'Rubin' x 2
Rotala sp. 'Green' x 2
Hemianthus 'Cuba' Callitrichoides x 15
Staurogyne Repens x 5
Vesicularia Montagnei x 8
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Green' x 2
Nymphea Lotus (Zenkeri) x 1
Pogostemon Helferi x 5
Echinodorus 'Rubin' x 1
Pogostemon Erectus x 2

I had been talking to all the people i knew in my favorite fish shops and taking there advice as well as reading PFK. Armed with the knowledge i had gained from all the research i was doing online, watching videos on you tube etc and reading the forums in UKAPS on 17th march 2011 i was ready.

The first thing i did was to attach the Vesicularia Montagnei to my bogwood

Then i placed the wood and added the substate and quartz gravel

followed by the hardscape and background plants including Pogostemon Erectus, Echinodoras Rubin and Ludwigia

The mid-ground plants, rest of the background plants and Hemianthus were added last with no water in the tank

240 carefully syphoned litres later

6 weeks later

12 weeks later

After 5-6 moths the Hemianthus was thinning out at the edges, i thought it may have been an issue getting the light to penetrate the far edges of the aquarium or a lack of iron but i never got to the bottom of it

It only got worse when an aggressive dwarf cichlid started pulling it all up and i decided to get rid of it altogether along with a lot of the Vesicularia Montagnei, needless to say he made a swift return to the fish shop!

It was then that i decided to have a bit of a reshuffle. I had struggled with the Pogostemon Helferi so that was replaced by a mystery plant from a friends aquarium that grew like crazy

I moved the Ludwigia Rubin and swapped it with Echinodoras Rubin as well as adding Echinodoras 'red diamond' next to it. As a carpet plant i decided to go for Eleocharis Parvula, to start with i planted 8 pots

Then i added a further 8 pots and used the Vesicularia Montagnei i had grown on the upper part of the wood to replace what had been removed

This photo was taken in the middle of october 7 months in and approximately 6 weeks after the Eleocharis Parvula was planted

Photos taken 9 months in after moving the mystery plant to the back left and planting an Anubias Barteri var Caladiifolia "1705" in front in a low light area because of its low light demands

Water Analysis on 28/11/11

Temp 27C
PH 6.8
KH 5 (dKH)
GH 8 (dGH)
NH4 0.05mg/l
NO2 <0.01mg/l
NO3 0.5mg/l
PO4 <0.02mg/l
Fe 0.075mg/l
CO2 32mg/l

Thanks for reading my first jornal so far, i hope you enjoyed it.
I been trying for months to get a nice planted tank. Just hope one day i get it right and have something like that to show for it. well done thats very nice., :clap:
Thanks, it is a lot of RO to fetch but i also knew early on i wanted to keep a variety of cichlids and i live in a hard water area so using RO was all about control over hardness and acidity and not having other chemicals in the tank.