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My distraction at work


24 Jan 2013
My nano tank at work. Been running for about 3 months. It's a 30cm cube with lots of cherry shrimps in and a bit to many snails.


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What a fab distraction. Is this a home office, or did you convince your workplace to let you have an on-desk distraction? If so, please tell us your ways...
It is my workplace. I ask my boss and his answer was a fish tank why? People have plants on their deck.
So is that a yes or a no and he did not answer so I just did it. He comes over from time to time to see how the shrimp are getting on. Most people when they see are very curious and come and have a look.
I work at a power station and I’m along in my office think that’s helps. Just the station manager has not seen it don’t know what he will say. If it looks nice sure he won’t mine it I hope.
Lovely Nano, Nice that they let you. Only 1 place i have worked has let me have a tank, but it had to fit inside a A4 sheet of paper, so was only one of the Azoo Picos
Good choice with the Blue Leopard Ramshorns.
They sell for a good price when you have enough to sell.