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My Bucephalandra 'Kedagang' looks different

I would say none of those plants are the original Kedagang....😕
I had bad experience with BucePhalandra in my other tank. But in that tank, I installed Bucephalandara 21 days after setting it up. All the leaves have melted, though the rhizome is still intact, but it hasn't bounced back. So I learned from this experience and installed Buce 50 days after flooding in this tank. If this Buce turns out to be the same plant as the one in my previous tank. I will never buy Buce
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I would say none of those plants are the original Kedagan
Oh, definitely. There’s three varieties of bucephalandra in my tank (so I was led to believe when I bought them) and they pretty much all look the same. My light is broken though so everything looks washed out but to be honest, I don’t think there’s as much variety between the plants as the sellers would like you to believe.

EDIT: there is also Biblis and Red Dagger in there too according to my receipts. Couldn’t tell you which is which.

Slightly better picture.
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The original Kedagang....aka Godzilla.
It gets all a bit confusing, especially if you purchase Kedagang thinking it's the image above and end up with 'Mini Round' or 'Coin Leaf.'
Those two above I don't see that often for Sale.
Thats the true beauty of Bucephalendra. Can you identify the one posted in original post? Is it crappy coin leaf?
Could be Coin Leaf/Mini Coin?
The original Kedagang....aka Godzilla.
It gets all a bit confusing, especially if you purchase Kedagang thinking it's the image above and end up with 'Mini Round' or 'Coin Leaf.'
Those two above I don't see that often for Sale.
I bought a few varieties just because they were on sale I think. I have about 10 varieties of Anubias in there and maybe 5 or 6 crypts and I couldn’t tell you which is which. 😄
EDIT: there is also Biblis and Red Dagger in there too according to my receipts. Couldn’t tell you which is which.
Biblis get quite large and Dagger has a elongated leaf.
EDIT: there is also Biblis and Red Dagger in there too according to my receipts. Couldn’t tell you which is which.

View attachment 227259
Slightly better picture.
Here is my Biblis on the right. It is a slow grower. On the left is Bucephalandra Theia. Grows much faster than Biblis.

I am currently in the process of buying a ‘Kedagang’. Let's see what I get then.
The original Kedagang....aka Godzilla.
It gets all a bit confusing, especially if you purchase Kedagang thinking it's the image above and end up with 'Mini Round' or 'Coin Leaf.'
Those two above I don't see that often for Sale.
Bucephalendra are hard to get at local store so I ordered it online and I got the TC with hand written label Bucephalendra Kedagang 🙄🙄