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Must be doing something wrong

john dory

16 Nov 2014
Gave up on co2 about 4 years ago because I couldn't get a constant supply.
Anyway,I've decided to have another go.
Same problems.
Set the bubble count up..but next day it decreases to one per second.
Change to jbl reg gives me a constant bubble rate for a couple of days(nice)..but this morning I discovered I've lost 20bar from the fe,overnight.
Just got 2 full fe and attached the jbl reg with a new o ring.
I've pressurised the reg with the needle valve wound out..but both gauges drop back to zero shortly after.
Can somebody run through this with me?
Problem solved.
I've been using empty fire extinguishers🙄
Best to photograph your entire setup clearly and post it for review. So many things can be amiss but sometimes it's something simple.

On the plus side,I now have enough co2 equipment to open a small shop.
Apologies to any manufacturers who I have slated in the past.
I am a complete imbecile.
One interesting tip is to keep ya CO2 on an analogue scale. I wish I could do this so I know exactly how much is remaining at any time.
I was getting my fire extinguishers f.o.c
"Take as many as you want"he said
"Nothing wrong with them,you'll be doing me a favour"
So i get them home,set one up,and all is well for a few days.
So..I see the gauge reads 30 bar,and think the fe is half full.
Should last me a while eh?
How was I to know the gauge only starts to drop,when the fe is empty?
Anyway..just been to a different shop who charged me a tenner each.
So I'm thinking,why is the other bloke giving me them for free.
That was when I had the light bulb moment.
Tonight I shall take a celebratory pint 😀
Tropica 3 in 1 diffuser full of water this morning.
Just noticed fe pressure dropped to 45 bar
Leaking from built in needle valve.
Changed to dual stage reg..pressurised,and left overnight.
No leaks.
Installed system..switch on..Leaking needle valve.
Fitted new needle valve,no leeks.
Everything stable this morning..half a point ph drop,plants awake and ready to go.
Set the bubble count up..but next day it decreases to one per second.

I had this exact issue without the empty canister ha. I just had to let the system settle for a few days and then it seemed to stabilise. I wonder if it's anything to do with the ceramic discs needing to "saturate" with water before holding stable pressure? No idea what the cause was but in the end it sorted itself out.