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Murky water after substrate disturbance


31 Dec 2012
Hi all

The big piece of wood in my tank floated last week causing disturbance of the substrate. Today I drained all the water out to level the substrate, and to remove the rocks off the piece of wood that I fitted last week to keep it submerged. Unfortunately upon filling, the same thing has happened again! :banghead: I should of waited longer.

The water is now really murky. Is it vital to do another water change today to prevent algae bloom ?

Have you added fine filter wool?

Is there a chance you disturbed the sub again when refilling? A 100% WC should take care of it mostly.

The soil below the wood may have compacted under weight, now the wood has lifted some silt may be escaping. This should settle down also.
Drape paper towel or plastic sheet (food grade bags etc) over the substrate/plants when refilling the tank.

You can just do consecutive 50% - 75% water changes until water looks clear again - volume depends on your water change system/refill technique ... I have a Python & just refill through the wide syphon (gravel) tube