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Moving an Aquarium Down Two Floors


18 May 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Wondering what the conventional wisdom is for moving a 60L mature planted aquarium down two floors (we're moving from the 25th to the 23rd floor in our building).

It's an ADA cube garden, with a mature and heavily planted substrate. Medium stocking with Rasbora, Diamond Tetras, Rummy Nose, Two Ottos and a few Amano shrimp.

Like a lot of people - I was hoping I could move it on a trolly with about 25% water, and the fish, plants and substrate intact - but I've also read that any shearing force on the tank, may cause it to leak later.

I'd remove the livestock, then remove all the water (or as much as you can), cling film the top of the tank, then move it. You can leave your filter running on a bucket with the fish so you don't have to feel like you need to rush. Refill carefully to avoid disturbing the substrate. Timing it so you trim before hand might make catching the livestock easier, but plan it so you have to time to wait and let them resettle and I shouldn't think you'll have too much trouble.
Is the tank on a sturdy stand?
If so I would remove the livestock, drain off most of the water, have two people straightlift the stand with the tank on by grabbing around the stand, slide one or more of those wheel base things, moving professionals tend to refer to them as 'dogs' under the stand, and then slowly and while grasping the stand, not the tank, wheel it to the elevator and to your new apartment.

Never did it but this with my 60 but I did this with a 25 liters... and this is my suggestion:

1- empty the tank as much as possible (water + fish)
2- swipe the tank and cabinet over a thick and old woolen blanket
3. gently pull it (hopefully there will be a lift 🙄 and no steps)
4. place it in its definitive place
5. fill the tank with water
(no need to empty the filter)

If you more the tank and the cabinet as a block, my guess is that the tank will suffer less than if you try to manipulate it.

Hi all - thanks for the replies - and yup Jan - it's on a sturdy pedestal, and I think you've nailed it. With three of us - one on each end (there are even openings that will serve as grips) and one on the flatbed trolly we'll be using, we'll be able to lift the entire thing onto the trolly.

Other than that - might be time for rescape 🙂