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Moss yoghurt method


27 Apr 2014
Maidstone, Kent
Got a large amount of Riccardia and Fissidens arrived and I don't want to pay for it twice lol, thought I'd ask for opinions on this method, type of yoghurt? How much to use ratio wise with water? Etc etc, any help would be great thanks. I have a heat mat for under the tank to keep humidity up, also have a mini fogger I can put in a tub of water somewhere in the tank if need be.

Thanks guys,

Hi ADA , With Rccardia and fiss you can just chop it up and spread where you want it to grow. You do not need the yoghurt 🙂 As this will just make the tank stink 🙁
The moss will take about a month or so to start to grow again. This method works well on Wab-Kusa too 😀