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Moss Browing in parts but still growing?


15 May 2015
I have a lot of moss across some wood, it seem to be growing upwards, but parts underneath seem to be browning a bit, i will get a picture..
I dose EI, plus co2..
Not much detail about your moss,did you tie it on to thick for instance ,a mistake I made till I read something George Farmer wrote about tying it on too thickly for instant impact it rots off a bit undseneath,I would trim off the good growth to let it spread along the wood and trim regular,cut out the brown parts as best you can healthy growth should come through.If it's Java or easier moss it won't be a Co2 or EI issue,but obviously appreciate CO2,but they like flow and a bit of a finger clean at maintenance time.Shrimp or small loaches do help.Try when trimming put trimmed strands in a jar on a light window cillJust enough water to cover it should grow the pieces growing emmersed lovely green colour tie a couple on twiggy wood back in the tank.Plenty of moss discussion in the tutus and articles and plant forums
Thx,sounds like what is happening they are almost growing upwards I guess towards the light a good three or four inches, I have not ever trimmed..
You need to fluff the moss regularly to get detritus out. just gravel vac it.Looks like it's got diatoms on it or something?