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Monte carlo

Ross satchell

27 Dec 2017
Hi i planted Monte Carlo around two weeks ago but it isn't propagating roots are white and healthy new leaf are green old leaves are rotting it is a tissue culture does it need time to convert.

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You just need to wait a bit more or add more CO2, if you don't have fish yet.
Tissue culture is almost always emersed grown. Plants have to adapt for underwater conditions, so old leaves will melt and the new ones will be ready for the new environment. The only way to avoid this is to add lots of CO2 to the water to help the transition and then slowly (taking a couple weeks) bring CO2 levels down.
Yeah what Kadoxu says, when the plants are emersed they have access to unlimited co2 so they adapt their Rubisco levels which converts the co2 into plants mass. Once underwater with much less co2 all of a sudden the plant can't deal with it and starts adjusting to its new environment which sucks a lot of growing energy out of the plant so may ditch a few leaves and not really grow that much. Will take a few weeks before the plant becomes accustomed to its new lower co2 environment then it start growing again. As Kadoxu also says if you have no fish in there adding a load of co2 will help the plant with the transition then you can slowly over time reduce this back to fish safe levels. Essentially the plant has went from a 400ppm co2 environment to a 30ppm or probably lower environment in the space of a day and plants don't like sudden co2 changes. Think jumping out of a hot bath into the snow. If you have some liquid carbon that would also help supplement the co2 injection as well.