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Misty Rocks - DSM


30 Oct 2015
Hi all.

I want to share my latest scape.

Dimensions: 32.24.22h
Lighting: 23 watt philips tornado

I thought that i cannot make stable organization because of the difficulty of dimensions, so i decided to use dry start method. I don't use any filter, nutritiens or co2. I only make humid twice a day, and i lighten 8 hours in a day.

I like mountain scapes, so i hope you like it.

23501663685_bc1c936d09_k.jpgBoss by Uğur Bingöl, on Flickr
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Looks epic!

Will that carpet plant's roots be able to reach the substrate under that thick layer of gravel?

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

There is no substrate under the gravel 😀
Hard to believe the growth you are getting on inert gravel!

Great scape indeed. Personally I would be keen to see the front with less soil.