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Minimallistic Silicon Joints


28 Jun 2010
Keighley, West Yorkshire
After reading the not so favourable write up regarding my silicon work 😳 i decided that it was about time i put my money where my mouth is.

So here goes...

I decided that I would manufacture an aquarium with no visible fillet on either of the panels. On saturday i cobbled together the panels for the aquarium to be manufactured a 52"x22"x22" in 10mm glass. I then put the aquarium together on saturday and left it to dry all day yesterday and decided when I got home from work at 5pm tonight i would start to fill it up.

the results....

Well once i figure out how to upload / insert the images that is.. 😳
upload to photo bucket, then copy the IMG link on the right of the picture into the editor write box and BOOM you're away. I was looking at ordering a tank around Christmas this year for my christmas prezie!

Looking forward to seeing this.

flyingfish said:
upload to photo bucket, then copy the IMG link on the right of the picture into the editor write box and BOOM you're away. I was looking at ordering a tank around Christmas this year for my christmas prezie!

Looking forward to seeing this.


Cheers for the heads up flying fish hopefully this will go well, please forgive the make shift stand all i wanted was somthing to get the base off of the floor. Funny thing is that i actually think the aquarium was twisted slighly left to right and front to back. So in effect adding even more stress to the joints right from the outset.. :crazy: 😀


the empty aquarium


Sorry hard to get a picture of the fillet as it is so small the camera can't focus on it.

The following are just proof of dimensions 😀




More to follow now i have mastered photo bucket.
more pics






all going good, although at this point i was beginning top think "is the twist in the base going to be the hercules heal of this whole thing?"

Never a man to shy away i thought if you are wanting to test then why not in the worst possible setup fo the base.. :crazy:

more to follow..



it was at this point i heard a crack :jawdrop my heart was in my mouth i thoght that was it game over. What i found was that one of the floor tiles that i had been using under the pallet as packers to level it up (allbeit not very well) had actually broken under the weight. 😱

This one looks a bit odd i think it is the minute bubbles in the water settling along the edge



just over 2/3rds full a measurable bow.. :clap:


Getting there


please feel free to comment good or bad, i need the feedback 🙂
final shots, decided to fill the aquarium until the water actually ran over the edge 😉









at the moment it is sat in the yard next door still full of water and i will be checking on it again in the morning. 😀
Apologies i think i ought to show how much of a bow was measurable at the full point.

ghostsword said:
Damm, that is a nicely built tank, small amount of silicone, should quiet some critics! 🙂

Great photos!


Thank you, for the comments hopefully with practice the aquariums should only get better. 🙂
foxfish said:
Brave man LOL

Brave me, that's not her in doors would say LOL, i much prefer calculated risk 🙂
is this float glass?

Top notch silicon work also, if you had used clear then nothing would be noticeable. But that defeats the object of showing your top work.

flyingfish said:
is this float glass?

Top notch silicon work also, if you had used clear then nothing would be noticeable. But that defeats the object of showing your top work.


Thanks, for the comments, yes the aquarium is standard float glass. Personally i wouldn't have Optiwhite if you paid me, and i make them. The reason is,as i have stated elsewhere, it scratches for fun. Not that i wouldn't make anybody one if they requested it but i always try to point this out.

Now that's honesty for you, an aquarium builder potentially talking himself out of the business :shock:
I know it's a aquarium I wouldn't be embarrassed by , quite the opposite. Love the look of where the glass panels meet and if you were here in Ireland I would get one
foxfish said:
It might be in some circumstances but, is not acrylic ever clearer, lighter & more durable than any glass?
Acrylic is not popular (in the UK) because it scratches to easily!

yes acryllic is much clearer (something like 95+% transparnecy and yes it is also much lighter than glass but still is very easily scratched.)

Also from what i understand it is not very well suited to bracless aquariums, i am not 100% sure on this fact but i am sure i have read it somewhere. :?

For the equivalent size braceless aquarium (48x24x24, 12mm) the thickness in acryllic would have to be 15mm and the cost would potentially be 3x more expensive if not more. :?:

I think what we really need is a person who is in the know (aka an acryllic aquarium manufacturer) to put his/her two penneth into this mix. 🙂
mrjackdempsey said:
I know it's a aquarium I wouldn't be embarrassed by , quite the opposite. Love the look of where the glass panels meet and if you were here in Ireland I would get one

Northern or Southern, i once delivered a 7x2x2 aquarium to a chap just outside Newry, then drove down to Carlow to stay with family before coming back home again. 🙂
poseidons-palace said:
mrjackdempsey said:
I know it's a aquarium I wouldn't be embarrassed by , quite the opposite. Love the look of where the glass panels meet and if you were here in Ireland I would get one

Northern or Southern, i once delivered a 7x2x2 aquarium to a chap just outside Newry, then drove down to Carlow to stay with family before coming back home again. 🙂
Down south, on the south coast in a town called Youghal (pronounced Yawl ) in County Cork, trip alone would be worth it as great scenery with sea cliffs ,mountains, waterfalls and over five miles of unbroken beach. Maybe I'm selling the place too much :lol: If you're interested in history you see where Sir Walter Raleigh had his estates and see his house and where the first potato was planted plus where Cromwell lay siege to the town and the marks from his cannonballs on the town walls.Plus up the road is where they make Jameson whiskey 😉 Or where the Titanic last docked before her demise