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Mini Dutch - 12 Gallon Long


20 Jun 2013
Seattle, WA
I started my 12 Gallon Long as an Iwagumi setup, because I loved the simplicity and elegance of the aquascape. I had my CRS and fire red culls thrown in the tank and not my quality SSS because I was going to dose the tank with fertilizer.

Here are several shots of the tank as it grew in.

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013

However through the course of scaping my 12 Gallon I couldn't resist buying a new plant on a weekly basis.

I started IE Dosing along with my Seachem Products and my plants were growing uncontrollably. It kinda looked like a messy jungle and no longer had the clean look of an Iwagumi tank.

So I had the itch a month ago to go full dutch on the tank. Which suits my plant purchasing style. =)

Here's a quick run down of my setup.

12 Gallon Long - Mr. Aqua
Oddysea T5HO - 39W light - 1x6700 bulb and 10K bulb
EHeim 2213 Canister with DIY spray bar that extends the length of the tank, to avoid dead spots.
2 xDIY CO2 (Don't judge me, it works great for me ) with a the line feeding into a drill holed in the output pipe. Works like a reactor since the spray bar is so long it gives the CO2 time to mix with the water.
Hydro in line Heater

The dimensions of the 12 gallon long are 35.4L x 8.3W x 9.4H, which small and not ideal for a dutch aquarium. Which is probably why after going through over 70 pages of the 12 Gallon long club I didnt see one single attempt at a 12G dutch.

However there are so many mini versions of plants around I figure it would just take a bit of research to find the right plants to create the same illusion of a 125G dutch aquarium (I enjoyed this part)

I had my work cut out for me since Dutch Aquariums require so many plants to give it that full and lush look. So in the pass 2 months I've been buying plants from every where and everyone.

Local auctions, Aquabid, TPT, ebay, craigslist, even Viet Wah (which is a local asian grocery store).

Two months later here's my species list:
Alternanthera reineckii mini
Ammania Gracilis
Anubias nana
Chain swords
Crypt wendtii
Dwarf Sag
Elatine Trianda
Eriocaulon Cinereum
guppy grass
HC - Dwarf Baby Tears
Hydrocotyle SP Japan
Hydrocotyle Verticillata
Java fern
Lace Java Fern
ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'pantanal'
Limnophila Aromatica wavy
Loebalia Cardinalis Dwarf
Ludwigia Acruata x repens
Ludwigia sp Red
ludwigia senegalensis
Marsilea Minutia
Micranthium Umbrosum
Micro Swords
Needle Leaf Ludwigia
ranunculus inundatus
Rotala Indica
Rotala Indica True - Ammania Bonsai
Rotala Wallichii
Star Grass
Staurogyne repens
Tiger Lilly
Trident Java fern
Utricularia graminifolia
Water Wysteria


Here's what made it into the tank.
1. Rotala Indica - rotundifolia
2. Ammania Gracilis
3. Crypt wendtii
4. Loebalia Cardinalis Dwarf
5. Bacopa
6. Downoi
7. Blyxa
8. ludwigia senegalensis
9. Alternanthera reineckii mini
10. Staurogyne repens
11. Hydrocotyle SP Japan
12. Hydrocotyle Verticillata under 11
14. HC - Dwarf Baby Tears
15. Marsilea Minutia
16. ranunculus inundatus
17. Ludwigia sp Red
18. Rotala Wallichii
19. Tiger Lilly
20. Limnophila Aromatica wavy
21. ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'pantanal'
22. Eriocaulon Cinereum
23. Rotala Indica True - Ammania Bonsai
24. Ludwigia Acruata x repens

**Erio parkeri, rotala Macrandra red, Diandra, UG

Tank Shots

Thank you everyone, I appreciate the kind comments. It's become a part time job to maintain the tanks. =)
I had 10 pseudomugil gertrudae aru II but with an open top, it's an invitation for jumpers. So i'm down to 4. The crazy thing is I've only found one dried up fish. I'm not sure where the others could have flopped to.
That is properly brilliant! It does look as thought your tank is sat on the counter without any foam or mat in-between?
I laughed when I saw the plant list thinking how utterly ridiculous it must look to stuff that many plants into a tank. Then I saw the pictures and you have left me dumbfounded. Very nicely done. I wished ADA or someone else would make a tank with similar dimensions. I just can't look at the green tint or shoddy silicone work of Mr. Aqua tanks.