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Midget Tank


10 May 2013
Watford, UK
Hey all

I have a few small spare tanks and want to do a planted King Kong Shrimp tank.

So I want ideas and advice.

Its 8x8x12 in size and I have a 10W LED Flood which I want to use on it.
I'm afraid not, no 🙁 If you treat them as you would stems though, they'd do a great job of screwing with people's sense of scale. I'd use it with some HC in the foreground, and maybe some Bacopa austraulis?
Hydrocotyl tripartita would be the one to go for to keep scale. Reds could be achieved with some Rotala indica maybe?
Ok Update time:

Stealing an idea from Alastair (thanks mate)

Will be doing the tank with:
black substrate,
lava rock,
anubias bonsai
anubias nana
Elatine hydropiper

Will be housing some high grade CRS or high grade Sakura depending on substrate buffer.

Anyone got any comments or ideas?

I will be using:
1x 10W LED floodlight
1x EasyCarbo
Tbh with you i dont see a problem with it, a friend of mine used a half dose of the JBL liquid co2 stuff in her shrimp tank and her hemianthus and everything grew fine along with her shrimp breeding like crazy at the same time. 🙂 Just thought you might like to consider it 🙂