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metal halide lighting


3 Nov 2010
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
helo, i just need some advice,

so the problem is... i've been searching for metal fixture at the 70 watt range, and as expected; locally its hard to find(in Malaysia), my tank is the standard 90cmx45cmx45cm, so i'm guessing with the trend now that the 70 watt fixture is the way to go. the thing is even the shop owners say that a 70 watt metal halide fixture is either really hard to find or not available locally...

but after searching i found a 150 watt with 2x24 watt t5ho its the one i'm looking for but only the problem is its 150watt... so my question is is 150 watt metal halide too strong for a 48 gallon 90 cm tank, or is it fine but just not the best option...

and also could i use it together with the 2x24 watt t5ho for 198 watts for my 90 cm tank?

also since finding led is even more expensive its not really an option.

also is it possible to switch out the bulb to 70 watt without changing the ballast.

150wMH over a 90cm is just fine. I've even run 150w over a 60cm with no problems.

Just make sure to suspend the light higher than usual.

This over a 60cm




also another question what if i use the 2x24 watt t5ho together with the 150 watt metal halide, is that okay, do i just raise the fixture
If your solely using MH then keep the lamp high.

I'd suggest using t5 mostly, with an hour (to begin with) of MH. this will allow you greater room for movement, and will also allow you to keep the physical height of the light unit lower.