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Maybe it's time


29 Oct 2011
near Chesham, Bucks
Hi guys, I'm Nick, been a member a little while, but thought I'd post and say hello.

Fishkeeper all my life, bounce around different niches in the hobby, but always been wary of bouncing into the planted tanks niche! I'm currently enjoying some very basic shrimp and moss tanks (in a very untidy fishroom), and perhaps it's time to finally have a go at something a bit easier on the eye!

Still find it quite daunting when I look at some of the 'how to' videos and I'm not artistic in the slightest. Some of my better 'aquascapes' have been when I've just launched a load of rocks into the tank and let them find their own resting places.

Possibly a good candidate for planted tanks as I have too much time on my hands, but this is balanced out with a low patience threshold and the attention span of a gnat, so will see how we go!

Anyway, that's it, hello etc
You sound like you like living on the edge Nick ! Either that or you have the luck of Jobe. If I were to "launch" a pile of rocks into my tank as you said you have done in the past I can guarantee you the damn thing would smash to bits ! :jawdrop :lol:

That said, WELCOME. 🙂

Best to start of just learning what plants grow well for you then moving into the more technical stuff of high tech etc. This was advice I received and it has faired me quite well. Of course, you could just go full steam ahead. Some guys have gone right into fully scaped high tech tanks and really hit the ground running :thumbup: