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Marina S15 filters on Ebay.....


25 Sep 2024
Hello - it seems that there is a batch of the Marina S15 HOB filters which have been distributed to various non-specialist sellers on Ebay. I've had 3 now of which 2 have failed within a few days, and all have non-UK plugs.

A fourth I ordered today has been cancelled as the seller checked and it has a US plug. Only the EU plug one is still working. The US to UK plus adaptors I am using I have had for ages and used on all sorts of devices as I lived in the Caribbean for 3 years so bought things on a US plug when I was there.

Does anyone know if there are still any of these left with proper retailers? The box-shifters on Ebay are not checking their stock so are unawre.

I do like these as they fit along the limited space I have on the back of the tank, the media is easily replaced with rings and sponges, and the pump sits in the tank.

Many thanks
Check the voltage rating on them, if for US market then it will probably be 110v, you want 220 -240v.
Are they anything like these?
International auctions accrington, huddersfield, £4 - £8, they deal with amazon returns. They add 50% commission to final bid.
