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Making a sump for my discus tank ?


8 Nov 2014
Question for you guys.. I have a Eheim 2217 filter I just got for my 44g pentagon which im using as a discus tank.. Love the filter but im also thinking of getting a tank for a sump.. Im not sure if I care to make it into an expensive project for filtering my water.. but what I really want is just a tank for adding water volume to my 44g.. to help dilute nitrate build ups. I do water changes every 2 days but if I can extend that to a 3rd day it would help a lot.. I was thinking of using a 10 or 20g tank.. but im not sure how to make a sump exactly..

I would need two small pumps correct ? How do you keep water from siphoning into the sump though if say power gets shut off ?
Sump is good if you have few plants in the tank (or even barebottom). Easiest way is if you can drill a hole. Overflow can work but doesnt only not have to overflow when power shuts of , but also auto-start when power comes on!
Sump is good if you have few plants in the tank (or even barebottom). Easiest way is if you can drill a hole. Overflow can work but doesnt only not have to overflow when power shuts of , but also auto-start when power comes on!
The overflow I mentioned does stop when the power shuts off AND starts again when the power comes on again. Easy cheap build and you don't have to empty the whole tank to be able to drill a whole.
no idea nice video thanks.. I understand now how this works.. Only thing is this overflow water trickling might get annoying being in a bedroom.. I cant stand the spray bar making trickling noises or a air pumps bubbles.. So I dunno now..

Do you think itd be worth adding a 10g sump to a 44g tank ? Effectivly making it around 54g or so