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Made the switch to EI - day 1

Swim Shady

15 May 2022
Today marks the 1st day of my tank now being dosed using the ei method. I had been using APT 3 and prior to that some easy-life products but I really liked the idea of knowing what was going into my tank and also having a bit more control over it. I admit that at first I was very confused about everything e.i but after some good reading on this site and of the Tom Barr report along with playing around with various calculators I thought it was now or never.
I have used the fiqures from my most recent water report (anglian water) to establish amounts of nutrients/metals already in my water supply.
I have also used the IFC to do the math for me so all I had to do was buy the products.
I mixed up 500ml of Macro's and 500ml of Micro's based on a 40ml dose so the solution gets used in approx 4 weeks and does not spoil - played around with quanitys and dose amounts within the IFC.
Products used are KN03 (Potassium Nitrate), KH2P04 (Nono Potassium Phosphate), MgS04.7H20 (Magnesium Sulfate), K2S04 (Potassium Sulphate), E300 (Ascorbic Acid), E202 (Potassium Sorbate) and CSM+B trace elements. I think I need to add a bit of Calcium as I read that Monte Carlo loves the stuff and looking at the IFC im slightly low on that front.
I have 2 D-D P1 pumps dosing during the 30min ramp up light time in the morning - 11am.
Sunday - Micro's 40ml (after min 50% water change using tap water)
Mon - Macro's - 40ml
Tue - Micro's - 40ml
Wed - Macro's - 40ml
Thur - Micro's - 40ml
Fri - Macro's - 40ml
Sat - rest day - no dosing
Lighting wise I am using the Fluval plant 3.0 running approx 60% of the suggested Summers day setting as used by Bentley Pascoe with a 8hr photo period.
CO2 is being injected via a CO2 arts inline diffuser attached to my ext filter and have spent the past few weeks dialing this in. One point to note on the reading of the drop checker - I found placing my hand behind the drop checker gave me a better indication of the colour, I had been just glancing at it but then noticed having large leaf plants with light directly on them could sometimes give you a false reading. For example I thought I had the perfect Lime Green colour but on further inspection by placing my hand behind the drop checker it was actually pushing more of a yellow, so I had to dial the Co2 back slightly.
I'm so in love with this hobby, there's something so relaxing about having a different enviroment to the one we thrive in to care for and hopefully also help thrive. I must spend at least 1.5 hrs a day just sat watching what goes on in the small slice of nature in my care.
Anyway I'm just rambling on again so if anyone want's to chime in with any criticism/ideas /views then im all ears... I'm here to learn as much as I can before I take the plunge and buy my large tank.
Oh and heres a few screenshots of the IFC fiqures and of the tank.Tank & Dosing.png
Macro's.pngMicro's.png06 June.jpg