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Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 1/10/10 ~ 2 years on


25 Feb 2008
After about 2 months of planning, I've managed to set my moss tank up. I don't have any pictures yet, because the tank is still clouder. But I can give away some information.

Tank: 35L / 8G Approx
Filter: Aqua One ClearView 500 (Hang on Back) 500L/H
Lighting: 14W T8 AquaGlow.
CO2: Nutrafin DIY Canister
Substrate: JBL Aquabasis+, Unipac Sand
Fertilisers: KNO3, KH2PO4, MgSO4, Trace (In a liquid solution at amounts that ceg devised.)


8 Green Neon Tetra
6 Otocinclius
10+ Cherry Shrimp
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Ramshorn Snails
Bladder Snails


Weeping Moss (Vesicularia ferriei)
Spiky Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.)
Flame Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.)
Anubia nana
Cryptocoryne diversen
Cryptocoryne undulata
Chain Leaf Sword

I'd like to thank everyone who helped me plan this project of mine. Also I'd like to thank the people who donated / sold me moss, unfortunately some of the moss donated ended up being killed by me.

I'd finally like to thank Scott and Emma at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Hickstead. Scott for donating the filter and Emma for donating Java Moss (which I killed 😳 .)

I plan to add some Otos and some Cherry Shrimp. I'm also going to add some anubias to the wood I have and get some crypts to put in the sand.

If anyone sees any problems with my set up, please let me know.
Re: Moss

aaronnorth said:
how did you kill java moss?

I love moss tanks, cant wait to see pics.

It kind of got messy. and to be honest I don't really have much room for anymore moss, since I've only got 1 piece of wood in there.
Re: Moss

hope so cause im awaiting inspiration due to im wanting to create a carpet of java moss ..(suggested by arronorth)
looking forward to pics.
Re: Moss

passerby* said:
hope so cause im awaiting inspiration due to im wanting to create a carpet of java moss ..(suggested by arronorth)
looking forward to pics.

Should be able to get some good pictures at the weekend.
Re: Moss

Luketendo said:
passerby* said:
hope so cause im awaiting inspiration due to im wanting to create a carpet of java moss ..(suggested by arronorth)
looking forward to pics.

Should be able to get some good pictures at the weekend.

Well I've added 6 Otocinclius and two Anubia nana. Also planted lots of Crypts labelled at Cryptocoryne undulata and Cryptocoryne diversen.

Might get round to some pictures, oh yeah I've also got round to ferts and diy co2.

For once I think I've done a pretty good job but this is optimistic since I have to wait to see how the crypts settle. The moss has grown out pretty nice and still has a way to go.
Re: Moss

Mine's nowhere near as good as that and isn't really that mossy. It's basically a nice big piece of wood with moss and anubias and then crypts in the sand.
Re: Luke's Nano

Ok I have been very naughty and lazy and not bothering to post pictures.

Anyway, I took some 2 weeks - 1 month ago and I took one today. This is actually because I have found some fish eggs! They are not snail (at least I'll pretty sure they're not) or shrimp eggs, they were attached to the upside of a crypt and were transparent but did have something in the middle of them.

Anyway I'm guessing there were perhaps about a clutch of 10 eggs, I have put them and the leaf in a breeding cage and I will be keeping a close eye.

The most exciting thing is that I only have Green Neons and Otos and they are both meant to be hard to breed! With any luck I will have some fry soon.

Anyway, here are the pictures of in my view my best tank yet.








As you can see from this leaf it looks like the CO2 is doing its job.






Last picture is of today.
Re: Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 3/10/08

I was having trouble displaying your pictures so I looked into the page source. It turned out that you might need to take out the first part of the link to be able to display it...

unable to display: http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg11 ... 850058.jpg
good to go: http://photobucket.com/albums/gg112/Luk ... 850058.jpg

UPDATE: It seems that it was a temporary problem with the photobucket server or my Safari browser misbehaved. Your tank looks really good, good that you did not have any algae issues so far.
Re: Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 3/10/08

Huh? I don't understand because the images I posted work for me and the link you posted doesn't.

I just copied the urls from phobobucket so it should work.
Re: Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 21/10/08

It's going to be crazy when eventually (in months or years time) the crypts at the back reach the top.

I'm very happy with this tank as it's very low maintenance and cost.

Just 1/3 water change a week, change the drop checker solution and the CO2 solution (if needed).

Seems like I have hit the correct balance, and all this just from a 14W T8 😀.

Unfortunately though my Lido 120 is in a state and is going to stay like that because my next project is my first reef. Bought the Rio 180 dirt cheap and picking up on Saturday. But because it costs a lot more than a high tech planted tank to run it'll take until half way through next year to have fish in it.
Re: Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 21/10/08

Well I came home from school one day and the eggs had all been released, my guess is they were snails as I did see a few snails in there. I emptied the breeding cage and I haven't seen any fry.