Hi all,
I set up a shrimp/nano tank (50L) 5-6 months ago and have been noticing the leaves on the ludwigia start turning grey/green at the stem and then spread to the leaf.
Set up :
Clearseal 50L tank.
Aqusoil powder substrate with ferropol baselayer.
Wavepoint clamp light ~24w
CO2 on one hour before and off two hours later, achieving a 1.5ph drop.
Using 50:50 HMA/RO. KH 5, GH 7, ph with co2 : 5,9, without : 7.00
Lighting period ~7 hours
Ferts : EI dosing as per UKAPS guide.
Filter : eheim ecco pro 200.
CO2 is going in through an intense in-line co2 diffuser so I can see it reaching all over the tank and all leaves.
Other plants : DHG carpet
Fish : 5x ottos.
It appears as I've got enough flow, but I'm concerned it may be too much? I have no idea why the ludwigia would die off as I've got the same stem in my 150L and it is thriving in there with similar conditions.
Pictures :
20151206_210935 by Abdul, on Flickr
2015-12-26_05-03-36 by Abdul, on Flickr
I set up a shrimp/nano tank (50L) 5-6 months ago and have been noticing the leaves on the ludwigia start turning grey/green at the stem and then spread to the leaf.
Set up :
Clearseal 50L tank.
Aqusoil powder substrate with ferropol baselayer.
Wavepoint clamp light ~24w
CO2 on one hour before and off two hours later, achieving a 1.5ph drop.
Using 50:50 HMA/RO. KH 5, GH 7, ph with co2 : 5,9, without : 7.00
Lighting period ~7 hours
Ferts : EI dosing as per UKAPS guide.
Filter : eheim ecco pro 200.
CO2 is going in through an intense in-line co2 diffuser so I can see it reaching all over the tank and all leaves.
Other plants : DHG carpet
Fish : 5x ottos.
It appears as I've got enough flow, but I'm concerned it may be too much? I have no idea why the ludwigia would die off as I've got the same stem in my 150L and it is thriving in there with similar conditions.
Pictures :
20151206_210935 by Abdul, on Flickr
2015-12-26_05-03-36 by Abdul, on Flickr