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Low tech trimming


5 May 2011
I was just wondering if you trimmed/pruned differently in low tech v. high tech? I lot of the trimming videos seem to be high tech tanks and very dramatic. Which is fine with high tech because the growth rate is so fast, but are there a different techniques when regrowth is going to take a lot longer?

I'm looking at my HC, which is just settling in and thinking I should trim but that would mean cutting of the new growth which is the healthiest looking bit and it took it's time to get there.

I'd generally be trimming less off plants in low tech - and then do it more often. Which would actually not be very often in a low tech, because of slower growth-rate (hope that makes sense).
Reason: like you allready said - it takes longer time for plants to re-generate.

As for your HC ....... I'd just trim ever so light on top of it regularly, to ensure flow and light can enter inbetween leaves and stems.
If the new growth is going upwards, I wait for it to get long enough so I can replant the stem.
I'm looking at my HC, which is just settling in and thinking I should trim but that would mean cutting of the new growth which is the healthiest looking bit and it took it's time to get there.

If you the lower part of the plant is not as healthy as the tops then you may have a problem in the tank regardless of whether it's low tech or high tech.

Personally, because I am lazy, I trim down drastically at once as I can't be bothered going around the tank every so often. It regrows fully in a couple of months.

Here for example my small tank. That ludwiga on the left has not been replanted ever so the bottom of the stems are quite old and still intact as you can see on the second picture.

So trim as you see fit. Lower leaves falling off in a low tech is a lot to do with nitrogen and potassium deficiency.


After a trim:
Thanks, that tank looks very green and happy!

The HC was growing on the window sill for a couple of months, so some of the unhappiness at the bottom might be it's adjusting to being underwater. I think I'll be brave(ish) and trim half and see how it turns out.