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Low light low temp plants ?


5 Mar 2010
Hi all,
My wife is setting up a shrimp tank at room temperature and in one of those kids tanks with an orange lid and no lights. It will be in our kitchen so it should stay warm enough and have light in the room most of the day.

What plants could we use that will do ok????


I've personally grown many plants in unheated tanks, and not really suffered any decline in health.

In fact... 2 winters ago, my heater broke on a tank, away from home, the water temp (in a conservatory) went down to maybe 10c...it was cold.

The fish did die, but the plants looked amazing!

I think crypts do need higher temps though.
Thanks guys, some bolbitus may be the way forward.
I've not done well with moss in a lighted CO2 tank so I may give it a miss on this one.
It's not so much the temperature I'm worried about, it's the lack of light, so I need plants that can thrive or survive without light. I'm sure some anubias nana would be ok, but I'm tempted to stick with ferns.

Pelia, I will look up on though, it's always good to have a read 🙂

Cheers gents, and any more suggestions, I'm all ears.
What she doesn't realise is I may be sticking a heater in soon if I have fry I'd like to house 🙂

We have Kribs and fry at the moment in our 'Shrimp Island' scape I put up a thread a while back.


On the same note, how about floating plants???
This little tank has a lid that I've decided to leave open during the day to let more light in from the room. Some nice looking floaters with good dangling roots would be great.


Frogbit is fine low light. Does not get the red flecks on the leaves that you get in high light.