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Looking for help/advice

Darren Carter

5 Feb 2018
Faringdon Oxfordshire England
Hi guys I’m looking for advice I currently still have my tank ticking over I have it all set up it’s been cycling for about 6 weeks I’m not in a rush to get fish it I’m planning on putting a betta in there in the future but I want my plants to carry on growing etc obviously I need light and a filter on but do I need the heater on for the plants I’m not planning on having a betta in there for like 6months don’t no if the heater helps plants grow
Depends on your room temperature
If you find an older Tropica catalogue, they used to include temperature ranges which could be used as a general guide
(what I use)

I believe flowgrow.de includes some temperature ranges

Without a heater, tank temp may vary depending on water volume & room cycles, as long as it's gradual & not more than 5-6*C degrees, I'd not be concerned
Temperature is a major factor determining the natural distribution of plants. It influences metabolism and therefore health and rate of growth.
Since most of the plants we choose to grow are from the tropics or sub-tropics I think a heater is a good idea, if you want to keep them healthy and growing well.