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Looking for aquarium grass


6 Nov 2024
Columbus, GA
I am looking for an aquarium grass that looks very natural. Now hair grass is too thin it’s good for aesthetics look but doesn’t looks natural.

Crypt Parve looks very natural but its growth is very slow. Is there a grass that’s as thick and natural as crypt but grows fast?
Thank you. Do those grass need CO2?

Strictly speaking no, but they do need a fair bit of light to form a carpet, and having those levels of light reach the substrate could put the rest of your tank at risk of algae without the CO2 addition. Also whether they will carpet as densely as the images above without CO2 I'm not sure.

You can get Lilaeopsis brasiliensis in invitro pots, and if you separate them out well, you can get an awful lot of mini plantlets from each pot, so that would be my bet. Buy a few pots, split them out as small as you can, and plant them a centimetre or so apart, and it will give you a good head start on forming a carpet with them.