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Looking for an app project


20 Jun 2011
Devizes, Wiltshire
Hi All,

After some suggestions for a project. I'm a web application developer by trade and most years try to give myself some kind of project or other that I can work on and use it to research the latest technology and such like, and I can work on when the other half is watching stuff on the telly I'm not interested in. In the past I've done things from random web games to a card manager for a collectable card game (amongst others).

This year however I'm at a complete loss on what to do, so want to throw it to an open forum for suggestions. I'm happy to consider something that's hobby related or something completely different too!
i'm working on an open source ebay and an open source ecommerce package atm to pass the time but i'm also considering doing something fishy related perhaps tinkering with bluetooth enabled dimmers and an android app for controlling lighting remotely
I would do something like "Identify my Plant", or fish compatibility app.

Or if you want to go really fancy, a "Aquascaping App". One would input the sort of look, the size of tank, and amount of light and it would output the plants to use, the fish and where to place the rocks and wood. 🙂
Elsewhere someone mentioned looing for an aquarium tracker, how about one of those?

ghostsword said:
I would do something like "Identify my Plant", or fish compatibility app.

That sounds smart if it used photo recognition you could snap your fish and it will search a whole database of pictures