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Looking for advice on planting my tank.


27 Feb 2018
United states
All the plants I got in here are front petsmart and I'm looking to get rid of them and do something else so I need help with plant selection and ideals on where to put them. This is my first aquarium ever it' fully cycled I have a little green spot algae and some diatoms on the plants but about to get thrive + or ppspro dry fertz to use and maybe help. I have co2 and a med light. Fluval stratum substrate. So would greatly appreciate help on picking and planing the planting of my tank guys..20180223_194615.jpg
Hi, and welcome to UKAPS.

You don't have to get rid of all your plants, they look fairly healthy, just buy more to go with them.

Since this is your first tank I'd advise you to choose plants from this list http://tropica.com/en/plants/?tabIndex=1&alias=Easy
Take note of the size they grow to, whether they belong in the foreground, middle or background of the tank, or whether they grow best on wood or rocks like Anubias species, and plant accordingly.

Also, when you're just starting out one of the best ways to achieve a scape you're happy with is to choose one you like the look of and try to copy it https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/ukaps-members-full-tank-shots.28490/
Check out George Farmer's articles on Aquascaping basics 1,2, and 3. First one is here https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/aquascaping-basics-part-one.199/