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Long worm in tank...


19 Aug 2015
I've had a tank holding plants for about 8 mnths. It was never given substrate but I often stick potted plants in rockwool and such into it. It's formed a very thick mulm over this time.

Cleaning it out yesterday I came across a long worm.😱:nailbiting:

It has quite a reddish colour, is around 8-10cm long and looks for all the world like an earthworm😕 except it has no saddle. And I have never put any soil into the tank so I think it hitched a ride once upon a time, with a plant.

It seems very happy in aquatic conditions.

Does anyone know what it might be?

If so, is it safe/beneficial to keep it in a soil based tank with fish?
Thanks Edvet 🙂
I'd never come across them until this year and I've seen loads in my pond so must be a good year for them....although not for whatever they've hatched from :dead:
Unfortunately I was in a rush to clean out the tank today & did not photograph it.

But Miranda - you definitely nailed it:thumbup: - it looked just like a horsehair worm. I'm glad to know what it is, I'd never heard of this worm before.

Thanks for your help!🙂