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long roar 80cm aquascape


13 Sep 2021
hi everyone, my name is Eddie and i am 15 years old
this is my current 80cm juwel rio 110 with pressurised co2 and twinstar 600cIII.
The scape was inspired by a scape from @Shinobi named low roar ADA 90P - "Low Roar"
it took me about 5 days for the hardscape and i planted it in about 3 hours with plants i bought and collected over time,
i have used over18kg of seiryu rocks and red moor wood combined

plant list:
4x anubias nana
4x anubias nana petite
1 mat micranthemum monte carlo
2x microsorum pteporus trident
2x java fern
2x java fern mini
1x staurogyne repens
1x bucephalandra "super blue "
6x rotala "green
6x rotala "rotundfolia
6x rotala "super red SG"
1x helanthium tennelum
2x cryptocoryne parva
1x weeping moss


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first i filled in some panty hose with gravel that had been used in the previous scape, i placed the first rocks and banked the soil behind it to create terraces. ontop of those stone terraces i placed the red moor wood and glued it all down with liquid superglue and make up remover cotton:happy: i used about 70 grams of liquid superglue for the hardscape and 10 grams for the plants, then came the details, i placed pieces of wood in cracks and crevices to created roots in the structure, i will also place some coarser pebbles close to the rocks for a more natural look.
after finnaly recieving my package full of plants from my lfs in the netherlands i started planting
first i attached the ferns and all the anubias and buce with superglue and i also pushed them in cracks, i then planted staurogyne repens on the terraces and monte carlo ontop of the rocks, finnaly i planted all the rotala species, in the middle i have rotala green, on the sides of that i have rotala rotundfolia and in the corners i have rotala super red SG i used crypt parva in the sand for detail and i also tied on weeping moss and monte carlo on the branches
Welcome and keep us informed on the development. 😎
btw the name is a work in progress, i quickly descided on the long roar because it has these long branches and it,s inspired by the low roar tank. so if you have a name that could fit this scape please share it with me🙂
day 2:
this morning i found out my regulator with a set pressure of 1,5 bar isn,t giving out enough pressure for modern twinstar diffusor so i have a max bps of 1 every 3 seconds, this has made my dropchecker blue greenish.
tommorow im going to my lfs De Maanvis is Nijmegen to see how they have fixed the problem because they have the same setup on their high tech 60cm.
i thinkplanting in damp soil instead of planting in a filled up tank really helped with preventing any plants from floating up, i have only had 1-2 rotala stems that descided they don,t wanna be in the group 🙂

this was the update for today
have a greate evening
day 3:
co2 problems, my suspicion has been confirmed. the co2 doesn,t have enough pressure to go through the twinstar diffusor, thinking of getting a cheap chinese difusor or ada pollen glass
plants are good so far only a little black spots on the rotala and no real big growth
that was the update for today