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Living Waters


29 Oct 2011
near Chesham, Bucks
Had a day pottering about today. Firstly delivered a tank to Katfish, then homeward via Weald Aquatics, a concession at a very swanky garden centre (coolings green & pleasant). Shop was tidy and clean, but nothing spectacular. Could have been a small MA but for the branding.

Then off to Living Waters in Croydon. Had only ever heard about it, and was expecting a behemoth of a mega-store full of fish and plants :lol:

I might have been a bit off the mark with my expectations, but the place had some nice shrimp, including some Aura Blues which I've not seen many of (other than my own 😀 ) .

I'm certainly no expert on plants and planted tanks, but there was a lot of green in most of the tanks. For someone who is trying to eke-out the puny portions of moss I've grown, to see tanks rammed with the stuff was annoying :sick:

Had a chat with the guy in there about random bits and bobs - hopefully given him a good lead to help with a supply-chain issue.

Picked up some different mosses to the ones I have already, and parted with a chunk of my fish-tank sale proceeds. Riccia Rhenana, Drepanocladus aduncus (labelled as mini-moss, but online results suggest maybe Hook Moss) & some 'Afro Moss' - apparently undescribed, plus some floating plants.

Home via Fulham club shop (lad's birthday at the weekend) and Burger King to ensure I came home with empty pockets, just a bag with little bits of greenery to try and keep alive!

I would imagine to a plant-enthusiast, the place is like an Aladdin's Cave :thumbup:
I've been there once and was amazed at the shop itself - all overgrown like its very own jungle! If I lived close I'd be in all the time - he had mosses that he didnt know what they were!

Definitely worth the trip, especially if your a plant freak rather than a fish freak. For the fish freaks its Wholesale Tropicals all the way. Need to make another little trip east soon!

Btw A1 Matt has a journal with Afro moss as the main feature: