Try to start with a very low dose in the begining, for example 50% of the adviced dosage for the first weeks and than up it to full dose. Than the plants can slowly get used to it. If you have sensitive true aquatic plants like valis than never over dose and never spot treat near that plant.
My personal experience is Valis takes it without problems as long it isn't overdosed.. And this is what many people do. For example Easy Life-Easy Carbo recoments 1ml / 50l and never higher than 2ml / 50L, i've red people experimenting and doubling the highest recomended dose without issues and rather strong plant sp.
Just remember, Glut the base contents of all LC products, is originaly a desinfectant, it kills single cell organism (germs), this propperty also damages Algae cells and at long term higher dosage it can also kill plant cells. Hence the soft tissue true aqautic plants like Valis are the first to show.. At long term higher dosages it probably also kills single cell organsme in the water we actualy don't want to kill. This all happens on an invissible level and hard to say what the true impact is.
Personaly i see this stuff rather as a temporary aid to give plants a head start to get over the hill. Once a correctly planted setup is in good health with sufficient numbers it will no longer be depended on Liquid Carbon to fight off algae issues. If you think you are than there is somethig else wrong and liquid carbon is not the permanent patch to fix that problem. If you have difficult plant sp. that give you the idea for the need to depend upon LC then rather think about easier plant sp. or using a proper CO² setup instead of permanently dosing chemicals. In the long run a CO² setup is not only safer but also cheaper.