Edgar Bolivar
I want to buy a lily pipe for a new project. The measures of the tank are 60x30x36 cm. In a high tech nature aquarium ADA style.
I'm not sure if I should buy lily pipe surface skimmer or a normal lily pipe, because a lot of people have different opinions about this product some one told me that surface skimmer break a lot of co2 and some people say that the surface skimmer is the best option for clean the surface of The water
If someone have experience with this subjet I'll be glad to read some opinions
Thanks in advanced
I want to buy a lily pipe for a new project. The measures of the tank are 60x30x36 cm. In a high tech nature aquarium ADA style.
I'm not sure if I should buy lily pipe surface skimmer or a normal lily pipe, because a lot of people have different opinions about this product some one told me that surface skimmer break a lot of co2 and some people say that the surface skimmer is the best option for clean the surface of The water
If someone have experience with this subjet I'll be glad to read some opinions
Thanks in advanced