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Lighting upgrade


30 Jan 2013
Hi first post so be gentle!
I have an 80 litre BOYU tank that was lit with a single PLL 24w Daylight tube like this:
PLL Compact 24W 865 daylight 2G11 4-pin — Light bulbs, LED bulbs, halogen lamps, spot lights and tubes
I used to grow Crypts and Anubias pretty well dosing an all in one feed and liquid carbon daily and lights on 7hrs per day substrate is Eco Complete. Any plants I tried requiring higher light levels always seemed to struggle (they looked drawn). I wanted to increase the range of plants I can grow so have installed another similar tube effectively doubling the lighting. Owing to hood design I was limited to what was possible so I hoped this was a good option. I have access to a PAR meter which is unfortunately not waterproof but I took a reading at substrate level without water and got a reading of 50mmol (it was 24mmol on one tube). I've also added a F.E Co2 system with solenoid on a timer, its taken a bit of adjusting over the past 10 days or so but I seem to be in the lime green zone now on the drop checker and it appears to stay there constantly. The uprated system has been running 14 days and I'm starting to notice algae (green and hairlike) on plants and bogwood, currently planting is quite sparse. I 'm still dosing just the all in one plant food but thinking I should start E.I. Is this the right way to go and should I go back to just one tube for a while before the algae takes over?


Welcome on board Russ 🙂 first of all which all in one plant food are you using? You give us no indication about it, some plant foods in the market usually just contain micro nutrients. E.I. will ensure you providing all necessary. Increasing the lighting is most likely the source of the issues, you should have not done that until your dosing and CO2 was setup adequately, so for now turn off the extra bulb, perform water changes at least twice a week for the next couple of weeks and let us know which all in one you are using.
Hi Paulo
Thanks for swift reply. 2nd tube is now switched off!. The all in one I'm using is APF Plant Nutrition. Also forgot to say turnover is 700 lph

APF Plant Nutrition
that is a good all in one, its based on the EI solution, how much are you dosing?
Most of the algae issues are CO2 related if you increased the lighting before getting the CO2 correct then that will explain it, leave it on one tube for another week, ensure the dropchecker is lime green, and perform regular water changes at least one 50% a week, if you can do it twice and dose straight after the water changes.
Do not increase the lighting until you have the algae under control or you will just make it worse. How long is your photo period?
Thanks Paulo. I'm dosing 8ml per day + 2ml of liquid carbon, I'm thinking of upping this to 3ml or more? to help. I've ordered APF's E.I starter kit so will start on that as soon as it arrives. Does that sound the way forward?


Sounds good to me 😉 just up the LC to 4ml and that should do it for now, how long do you keep the lights on?
Lights are on 7hrs at the moment was going to up it but owing to current issues I'm guessing thats a bad idea!


You should actually lower it an hour to start with not increase it 😉
yep, once the algae as cleared then you can start thinking about upping it again, plants will grow regardless, just slower, the key is always CO2.
OK I'll go and adjust the time switches......

OK I'm now on 1x24w running 6hrs a day. 8ml of APF Plant Nutrition a day and 4ml of Liquid carbon (which will be replaced with E.I as soon as the kit arrives). Target is to keep drop checker lime green throughout. Looks like my enthusiasm to get things moving was mispalced; Lights arrive first so I fitted them and started to use straight away, then came the CO2 which has been erratic to start with....yeah I know now:sorry: no wonder the algae kicked off....
