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Lighting and floating plant cover


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Just a quick question, 250 litre tank, 4ft long and 2 x 54 watt bulbs.. I have mainly plant on wood lots of it, Java ferns etc also crypts and some stem plants.. I have had the surface near on covered since my algae problems months ago, I just keep pulling it out every week or two, it's frogbit, salvinia and duck weed..
Will the wattage be too much if I remove it all or will it be good now everything is growing ?

I just thought things may grow a little quicker and healthier if more light got in.. The stems don't seem to be getting off to a good start

Thank you
Two fluorescent lights? It should be good and on the lower side without floating plants. I am supposing they are T8s. Are they T8s or T5s? You shouldnt get algae if other things are well.
Two fluorescent lights? It should be good and on the lower side without floating plants. I am supposing they are T8s. Are they T8s or T5s? You shouldnt get algae if other things are well.
There t5's should have said really ...
This is the layout??
But with extra crypts going in as we speak

There t5's should have said really ...
Mmmm then I would say it depends on your CO2 diffusion strategy. From what I see maybe you dont have great flow at the front and could get some algae. But I cant say for certain.
I have got the co2 diffusing into a canister filter via atomiser then back into the tank via spraybar at the back aiming to the front of the glass then rolling back round.. Well that's was my intention .. I have upped the flow slightly by removing all fine sponges from filters
Are you meassuring CO2? The good thing here is that you dont have demanding plants (crypts are just great). So time will tell really. How powerfull is your filter?
Are you meassuring CO2? The good thing here is that you dont have demanding plants (crypts are just great). So time will tell really. How powerfull is your filter?
Yes measuring co2 via drop checker and bubble counter .. I have 2 bubbles per second but it's the JBL bubble counter they are BIG bubbles ... There is 2 filters the co2 one is 1200 litres per and the other is a 1050 lph the other filter spray bar runs at the top of the co2 one helping it round.. I also have a little power head above the left hand side dense planting just to further aid.

The tetras are very nice colour thank you, I use ordinary tap water dechlorinated.. I'm not sure if the hardness.. It must be quite hard as the kettle soon scales up.. I know the ph is 7.2 from tap 🙂
You can remove 50% of the floaters...try and achieve a dappled light affect under where the floating plants are on the surface!