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light pendant stand help


11 Nov 2009
acocks green, birmingham, uk
hi guys and gals,
i have a pendant light that i was going to suspend to the ceiling but now after a good hard look and think i could do with a light stand of some sort.
i have a few links to what im after, do you know if these kind of things (even if they look different to the pics) can be found and purchased? i dont want to pay the earth as its only a metal bar lol.
cheers all :thumbup:

http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h ... 03&bih=400

http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h ... 29,r:0,s:0

http://www.masa.asn.au/phpBB3/viewtopic ... 94&start=0

cheers 😉
It realy would be so much cheaper to make it yourself, If your that way inclined. Many have done so before, One or two are actualy on here. Hopefully one of them will crawl out and speak up and help you along in the right direction. I know what i would be doing. I would be finding myself a plumber with a copper pipe bender and practice my right angle bends. 😉
Have a word with Stu Worrall or Mark Evans. They have DIY stands that look pretty good.

How about something like this?
I made it of a IKEA curtain rod, some limitations on hanging weight though.



sorry bumcrumb, i was on holiday when you pm'd and forgot to reply when I got back.

My stand is a custom made by a metal work shop. I knocked up a small technical drawing and they made one up for me from that. The main thing is if you are attaching to the side of a cabinet then leave a 5 or 10mm gap on the side so your tube doesnt bang on the tank glass. I used 20mm stainless tube on mine which they mitred and welded. Might be worth looking around your local yellow pages to see if anyone can knock you something up. Mine came to around £80 int eh end but the finish and engineering on it is really good.