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Light for UNS 45u


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
I just purchased a 45u (about same dimensions as ada 45p ...18 x 11 x 11) and was hoping someone could provide a recommendation for a light.

I am looking to do either an iwagumi or nature scape. I have a wrgb 2 on a 60p dutch scape and it is very powerful. Do you think a chihiros slim would be enough light for this tank? I was also looking at the onf nano light but I wasn't sure it would provide enough coverage for an 18 inch wide tank.

Thank you
I have a WRGB II 90 Slim on a high tech tank, but I'm only currently running low tech plants in it. Is your tank high tech with plants that require high lighting? I would think that WRG II Slim can grow most plants...
I ended up just getting the WRGB II after sleeping on it. I like the light I have on my 60p and you can always turn it down. With the sale the difference in price was negligible.