By now i got about 5 different Java var. in a low tech tank.. M. philippine, M. Taiwan. M. needle, M orange narrow and probably the regular one didn't came with a name tag.
I do not test my parameters regarding ferts, so have no idea what's in there, i dose micro macro complete solutions.. But i got only the M. orange narrow showing signs of deficiency and seems to be a bit unhappy. Now i read that next to a nice dose of K java also likes flow a lot.. And indeed the orange is in the lowest flow spot.. 🙂
I couldn't find any data if different var. also have different requirments, so it's a bit vague to me if it's a fert or flow deficiency this java is suffering from. Since all others do rather ok. But i'm going to put it to the test and find me some KH2PO4 etc. to mix my own and see how it reacts.. 🙂 It can't hurt anyway.
What i find most remarkable is, since Java is an epiphyte one would think substrate doesn't realy matter.. But also got a smaller low tech tank i use as plant bin in which i actualy do not dose ferts at all.. But it contains a different substrate (Akadama) and actualy much less flow, there this java does better. In both cases the plant is placed on the same type off wood. And the other tank contains mainly fuji sand.
I'm kinda in the dark here and do not know what to make of it. What i see is what i get..