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Lets start at the beginning...


11 Oct 2009
Lets start at he beginning...
I have decided to build a new tank, I have though about what I want to achieve with the tank so I do have a basic plan.
(1) I want to have access to all sides for glass cleaning & maintenance.
(2) I want a fine sand area for my breeding Corydoras.
(3) I want a overflow & sump fitted behind the tank with easy access.

So I bought the 10mm glass with beveled edges to make a 900 x 600 x 400 high tank.
The old tank was removed, the sump removed & all the surrounding woodwork.
I laid a new 18mm MDF base for the tank & sump to sit on & built a temporary MDF frame to hold the glass while I silicone the glass together.
You can see the cutout in the rear pain of glass to accommodate the overflow.
A long way to go of course & now a delay over Christmas......

Re: Lets start at he beginning...

Great aquarium dimensions, Martyn!

I've always fancied an aquascape designed around Corydorus. They look so great in open sand areas, and your dimensions suit this perfectly. Maybe consider using South American planting only? There's plenty to choose from... http://www.tropica.com/plants/origin/south-america.aspx

Anyway, great job so far. :thumbup:
Re: Lets start at he beginning...

Great project! Interesting to do what George said.
Is that going to be the final lightning?
Look forward to see this project thrive!
Re: Lets start at he beginning...

Actually, I am torn between the lighting options!
I am thinking about a single 70w metal halide with sunrise sun set effects from other sources.
I want my plants to grow but, this tank is in my lounge area & I want to enjoy the ambiance as well - not be blinded by the light.
I am pretty excited about getting on with the project but Christmas life will be taking priority for a week or so...
Re: Lets start at he beginning...

I have managed only a few hours work on this project over the festive period (& even that got me in trouble lol) however the tank is now looking a lot neater.
I have used black tiles to cover the surrounding area & I have ordered a 70w MT light. Also ordered (& received) a auto topup valve, some 6mm RO pipe & a pipe piercing connector.
Lots of carpentry work required to tidy up & blend the tank into the room but I am more keen to get the filter sorted!
I will most likerly us a trickle tower but also considering a moving bed design as an alternative.
Re: Lets start at he beginning...

foxfish said:
I have managed only a few hours work on this project over the festive period (& even that got me in trouble lol) however the tank is now looking a lot neater.
I have used black tiles to cover the surrounding area & I have ordered a 70w MT light. Also ordered (& received) a auto topup valve, some 6mm RO pipe & a pipe piercing connector.
Lots of carpentry work required to tidy up & blend the tank into the room but I am more keen to get the filter sorted!
I will most likerly us a trickle tower but also considering a moving bed design as an alternative.

A moving bed design ? New one to me, but then I am new(ish). Can you elaborate a bit ? Looking forward to seeing what you do scapewise for your Corys. Do you expect they will restrict their activity to the sandy area, and are you planning on any carpet type plants regardless of the corys? I have to say, for me, corys are more important that the carpets, LOL.
Re: Lets start at he beginning...

Well there are a few variations on the filer theme but, mine was using bio-balls.

If you imagine a full bucket of water half filled with buoyant bio-balls with the water spinning in a slow vortex then that is basically the design!

The concept revolves around each & every bio-ball moving & exposing its surface area to the water passing through the filter, furthermore you could add additional air via a venturi or air pump.

The tank design will have a sand bottom with no carpet plants but there will be some sort of raised area for the plants.
I have some ideas but I want to get the tank operasional & the exterior aesthetics finished first (or at least my wife does) before I get to the exciting bits!
I will be making some sort of artificial background or islands though.....
Sounds awesome, I am looking forward to seeing this one progress 🙂
Wow ! Are you recreating "Antarctica" ?? hehe. This is gonna be very interesting... Glad to see you are watching quality while you work. Hehe.
I have spent the afternoon trying out a few types of finish over the polystyrene, I mixed in some very dry organic soil with some epoxy plus a little black pigment.
Looks good but I have only been experimenting with a few small pieces, they are in the over @ 50c at the moment.
use a blowtorch to smooth off the edges of the poly to make them more smooth mountains rather than sharp cliffs (at least if you want smooth hill look rather than cliffs)
Slowly getting there ....
Unfortunately after waiting a week for my light to arrive, I get home today & instead of a nice new light I have a email telling me that because of where I live it will cost another £10 postage! So it has not even been posted yet!

Building the rock is a bit like a game of chess in that you have to look forward & imagine where the plants will be & how the pockets will blend in when filled with substrate?

I am most likely going to go for a light coloured sand for the base of the rock but I will try out a few examples first..

Really fun and exciting journal this. I look forward to more updates 🙂