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Leafs melting

ray copeland

20 Dec 2015
Milton Keynes
hygrophila pinnatifida leafs are melting not mega but where doing well now not so. Have a good source of c02 as well as light and the odd fertiliser by seachem. The other plants (carpet) has taken off very well I don't have any fish etc in the tank but do give the tank a 25% water change at times to give the plants the nutrients there need. Could it be me to cautious with water changes as I don't have fish not dosing seachem as best as I can cause the leafs to melt I have had the plants stable for over 1 months now added a pic sadly don't really see much but someone might could be the carpet plants are taking over and not leaving enough to for theses any help much appreciated thanks in advance Ray . 99ddfd19d3f2ace7fa856d6d90ee1169.jpg
From pic. it look like it is a few of the oldest (emerse??) leaves dying. If tbis is true, I would not worry.
Every leaf has a life-time, and then die. As long as it is the old leaves and the young/new leavs are doing well, the plant will grow stronger and stronger.
If it really is emerse leaves dying, this is very natural. Most emerse leaves will have a short(er) life when submerged.

As for fertilising your plants, read up on the EI method. The idea of this will ensure ferts are plenty available at all times.
From pic. it look like it is a few of the oldest (emerse??) leaves dying. If tbis is true, I would not worry.
Every leaf has a life-time, and then die. As long as it is the old leaves and the young/new leavs are doing well, the plant will grow stronger and stronger.
If it really is emerse leaves dying, this is very natural. Most emerse leaves will have a short(er) life when submerged.

As for fertilising your plants, read up on the EI method. The idea of this will ensure ferts are plenty available at all times.

There was a few new ones too? But I'm not worried worried but don't want to lose them as I practically started them like a seed
Hello Ray, did you solve issue? I have same issue on my pinnatifida leaves.