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last minute advice

a rix

2 May 2015
Ok so iam getting ally plants on Friday and planting on Saturday i quite looking forward to it tbh. I however have a few questions i hope you can answer.
1 When i refill the tank should i use new water or what i have removed, last changed Tuesday night.
2 should i start using my co2 straight away (iam thinking yes) if so how long should i inject for.
3 i have a bottle of ada green brightly step one do i use this straight away
4 lighting wise i have 2x juwel highlite dat tubes with d-d gull wing reflectors should i remove a tube to start with.
Sorry for the lengthy post just want to get it right from the start.
Any other tips gratefully received.

Its a rio 180 tank a fulval 406 filter
Plant life is as follows

Hygrophila polysperma
Cyperus helferi
Echinodorus tennellus
Microsorum trident
Micranthemum monte carlo
Bolbitis heudelotii
Anubias barteri nana petite
Vesiculuria ferriei weeping

Many thanks Anthony rix
1 If you're just adding plants I be inclined to fill up out of the tap.

2 Yes definitely plug in your CO2 and turn it up high, that is if you don't have critters. It'll give your plants the best start; especially if they've been grown in their emergent form it'll help the transition to immersed growth.

3 I think ADA Green Brightly Step 1 it's supposedly designed for newly planted aquariums, so I'm guessing yes add it from day one. Adding fertz straight away is always a good move anyway but whether it's essential depends on how rich your substrate is.

4 Your lighting should be fine, just limit the photoperiod to 6 hrs to start with and see how you go from there. Keep a weather eye out for deficiencies in your plants and for algae invasions.

Your plant list is fine - all relatively easy plants to grow...good luck.😉

P.S. you may want to add a powerhead at some point to augment your flow. The the rule of thumb is 10x the tanks volume turnover per hour and the Fluval isn't quite there.
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Excellent thanks for that. Substrate wise its ada power sand special and aquasoil.
I had thought of adding a hydor koralia nano tbh when you say turn co2 right up how many bps would i be looking for
BPS is a bit of a red herring 'cause all our equipment/tank set ups vary to one degree or another, so the BPS that may work for me won't necessarily work for you.
Instead check out Clive's tutorial on CO2 measurement using a drop checker http://www.ukaps.org/index.php?page=co2-measurement-using-a-drop-checker
Definitely aim for the lime green and if you haven't any critters you can push it in to the yellow.

With regards substrate that's a very nutrient rich combination, but I'm guessing the ADA Green Brightly Step 1 is all part of Amano's grand design for newly set up tanks anyway.