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Laimis's Juwel Rio 180

Looks great, give the blyxa a good trim, I found that it was much like a carpet plant and could get too dense and choke itself out. I'm truely envious.
Looks healthy and nice. With full hc carpet would be a nice dutch. Some plants could be trimmed already, staurogyne and micraithemoides definitely. Have you considered adding some color, some yellow and red? That would improve a dutch feeling a lot.
Piece-of-fish said:
Looks healthy and nice. With full hc carpet would be a nice dutch. Some plants could be trimmed already, staurogyne and micraithemoides definitely. Have you considered adding some color, some yellow and red? That would improve a dutch feeling a lot.
Yes,i would like to add some colours to it,but not really sure what plants would be best for that,as i want something that is not growing too fast like my pogostemon stelatus.Any suggestions? 🙂
LondonDragon said:
Just keeps getting better 🙂 plants look healthy, I can't seem to keep the Staurogyne alive any longer! lol
Never had any problems with staurogyne,it just grows 😀 It's one of my faworite plants
laimyzaz said:
Never had any problems with staurogyne,it just grows 😀 It's one of my faworite plants
Think its been my laziness with water changes over the past few months! lol
ghostsword said:
Your tank looks amazing, so healthy.. Great growth, and such bright colours. Well done.

The staurogyne looks massive.. 🙂 Let us know when you got some cuttings.! 😀
thanks 🙂 I'll have some this or next weekend.It all depends on what the weather will be like,cos i don't want to post it when it's cold :?
This thing is growing!!haha congrats on being able to grow some pretty sweet plants freakishly well 🙂

what happend to the moss pile 🙁 i lurve de moss's

anyway keep the photos coming laimyzaz
nayr88 said:
This thing is growing!!haha congrats on being able to grow some pretty sweet plants freakishly well 🙂

what happend to the moss pile 🙁 i lurve de moss's

anyway keep the photos coming laimyzaz
Thanks 🙂
Moss was split into portions,one left for myself,one given as "pay it forward" others were sold so i can buy some dry ferts 🙄
In the place where moss was i'll put a stone with Riccardia graeffei attached to it,not sure where moss will be yet