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Ladder Diffuser - Replacement?


14 Jun 2011
Hi All

I'm currently using one of the Dennerle flipper / ladder CO2 diffusers and as suggested by niru on my tank journal, it may be wise to replace this with a different diffuser or reactor.

Set up is using an eheim ecco 300 pro external filter so i have the option of an external diffuser / reactor if needed.

I've looked around and narrowed it down to these: -

With the Dennerle Quantum regulator it has an internal needle valve (pre-set) and doesn't show outlet pressure on the gauge, just blank markings.

My questions are: -
Would it be worth replacing the flipper?
With what?
Would the Dennerle reg run the UP CO2 inline diffuser?

Hi Shaun

I also use the Dennerle Space regulator since it has an inbuilt solenoid. This one has no pressure gauge whatsoever! And like you mention, I too faced the issue with the internal needle pre-set valve. What you can do is use a 2 mm screwdriver to change this setting so as to get higher bps than the preset values. I guess they have mentioned this in their manual how to do it.. Just be careful not to damage the O-rings.

Theres enough pressure to run up the diffuser.. Put a valve in any case to avoid backflow.

Hi niru

Thanks again for the info, i may be swayed towards an UP external inline diffuser then.
Guess i'll also need a bubble counter, preferably one with good tubing connections if i'm using a higher pressure. Really don't want 180l of water on the living room floor :shock:

Hi Shaun

I use the same Dennerle bubble counter. My config is: Cylinder->Dennerle Space Reg -> Valve -> Dennerle Bubble Counter -> Valve -> Dupla External Reactor.

Hi Shaun

yes valve is the non-return valve to prevent water from getting in the backward direction..

The Dennerle Space regulator has an inbuilt solenoid & a safety valve for pressure release. So it acts as a pressure reducer, regulator AND electrically controlled solenoid. The bad side is that it has no pressure gauges so cant read the up & down side pressures... But with the pressure safety valve I am not so concerned about the gas getting emptied in the tank as such.
