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L Plates


11 Feb 2009
A look at my first few steps into the planted tank for my Rams...

My Tank....This is the tank as it is now!!


Juwel 180

180 Litres

Lights 2 x 35w High-lite bulbs on 11 hours per day (Not sure if high - lite is the same as t-5)



40 UK Gallon tank I do the following.

Potassium Nitrate and Potassium Phosphate mixed
Phosphate 30g Nitrate 53g added to the 500ml bottle for the solution
dosage = 25ml Tuesday Thursday and Sunday after 50% water change.

18to 500ml for the solution
dosage = 25ml Monday Wednesday Friday

Plants I have in now....not all picture have these

Hygrophila Rosae Australis
limnophila aromatica
juncus repens
Blyxa japonica
Spikey Moss
Pogostemon heferi
hygrophila coymbosa
cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
anubis on bog wood
Bacopa Caroliniana


2 Otto's
4 black neons
4 Columbian Gold tetras
1 Gold Gourami
1 Gold Ram.

My first try


my first update


I was not really happy how it was looking so I had my first move around


Right hand side


Left hand side


My Co2


I found the setting button on the mobile phone which gives off a bit more colour


Thanks to Aaron for always answering my questions 😀

Thanks to Phil Valentine for the really great fert chart 😀

and thanks for looking.....please be nice I'm new at this 🙂
Re: Rambling Rams

Thomas McMillan said:
Nice tank, what fish have you got in there?

At the moment I have

2 Otto's
4 black neons
4 Columbian Gold tetras
Gold Gourami
Re: Rambling Rams

Added two of the Juwel reflectors to the High-Lite bulbs and the plants have took off 😀

Getting some Potted Hemianthus Callitrichoides delivered tomorrow for the carpet
Re: Rambling Rams

Superman said:
If it's advertised as a Juwel Hi-Lite then it should be T5. Measure the diameter of the tubes that'll let you know.

Thanks Clark....for what Juwel charge they ought to be T-5 😉
Re: Rambling Rams

aaronnorth said:
Getting some Potted Hemianthus Callitrichoides delivered tomorrow for the carpet

some blyxa japonica would look good in the midground IMO

Aaron where you thinking of just a bunch in the middle?
Re: Rambling Rams

mfcphil said:
aaronnorth said:
Getting some Potted Hemianthus Callitrichoides delivered tomorrow for the carpet

some blyxa japonica would look good in the midground IMO

Aaron where you thinking of just a bunch in the middle?

Right in the middle of the tank, you can trim it so it will give a better slope towards the HC rather than it having tall stems with a big drop down to the HC if that makes sense.
Re: Rambling Rams

Still using the mobile phone so I'm sorry about the picture quality

Anubias and crypts added

Starting to take shape now

I remove the old coral substrate and have added Amazonia 2....lost my rams 🙁

Pogostemon helferi added

New Limnpholia-aromatica on the left settled on the right

juncus repens

japonica....not doing great yet!!

Thanks for looking
You probably lost your Rams because of rthe ammonia that Aquasoil realeases when first added.

This is a nice looking tank, plants look quite healthy! Have you got a recent full-tank shot?
The bowed front on the Juwel 180 makes it tricky to get a good photo...here you go

Looking nice and lush to me. Not keen on the background though but many people have it 🙂

Keep us updated with progress

Looking good and showing plenty of potential! Well done!

Where did you get your Blyxa from? It looks different to the regular japonica. Aubertii perhaps?

http://images.google.com/images?client= ... 1&ct=title

I'm sorry about the rams. They are delicate little things. Do you have soft water?

The background will be hidden by wonderful plant growth soon enough too...
I got the Blyxa japonica from the green machine....I will give it time fingers crossed it will look fine 🙂